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"Talking shit about me?" Koda's low voice rumbled out.

"Eep!"  Miko quickly grabbed her plant and rushed out the door. "Bye!"

"No! I was trying to think of a way to thank you and your lover." You looked up at him. "Where's Junichi?"

"Practicing still. I wanted to come before the after work rush." He leaned against your counter. "You don't have to thank us. It is the least we can do."

"But I want to. If I give you and Junichi gifts, will you bring it to him?"

"I live alone, so I'll probably see him tonight. I could. You really don't have to."

"Wait here." You left to get him two pots of marigolds. "I thought these would be perfect, since you both have golden necklaces."

Koda looked deeply at these plants for a few minutes and you could have sworn that you saw a look of disappointment flash briefly through his eyes.

"Thanks for getting us these flowers. I'm sure that Junichi will love it." He took out his wallet, which you quickly swatted away.

"No! No money. This is a gift from me. Besides..." You looked down at your feet. "I can tell you're not that into it, anyway."

"Any gift is nice." He held steady to his position of appreciating your gift.

"You can tell me. I will gladly find something else for you."

"Mm." He looked at you and then looked away. "Just surprised that you chose the same gift."

"Oh!" It clicked in your mind. They didn't always come in a pair, but you were treating them like one human. "Marigold is good for Junichi. But you aren't like him. You," You walked away from him and ran towards a very particular plant. "Like to take care of people and things. You really liked the Texas bluebells because I told you they were hard to grow."

"...Whatever." He blushed slightly.

You plopped down a small plastic contained filled with water and a pathetic looking lilypad-looking plant.

"I'm having a really hard time growing this wasabi. I think you could have fun with it. It has to be in a water bed, it has a 14-14–14 fertilizer and must ALWAYS be in the shade. It's got at least another few months before it matures, but I think you could do it more justice than me." You smiled and felt very satisfied with this perfect gift.

"Must be expensive. I'll pay." Koda had a small smile on his face, feelings repaired.

"It is, but still no. I'm sure you'll spend enough on fertilizer and the works." Relieved that you had both found a good gift for Koda and gotten rid of that dreaded wasabi.

"Could you go get me that fertilizer?" He asked you.

"Yeah, I'll be right back. Don't take my money!" You teased him.

"Don't tempt me." He smiled and waited for you to return.

You decided to give him the smaller bag, so that way you wouldn't embarrass yourself carrying a massive bag for the tiniest plant.

"Here. It's only $5 for this." You handed him the bag and held your hand out for the money.

"What if I give you $100 and you keep the change?" He asked cheekily.

"I will call the police for a reverse robbery." You stated in complete seriousness.

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now