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"So... How was it?!" You whisper-yelled at Junichi as Koda went back to retrieve fertilizer for his wasabi.

"Oh my God, YN, you wouldn't believe it. He was so good I literally could have--"

"Could have what?" Koda loomed over Junichi threateningly.

"Could have married you!" He threw his hands over Koda's broad shoulders.

"What were you two talking about?" He asked as he glanced over at you, now red-faced with embarrassment for having got caught.

"Well, you see, I came to YN to ask for some advice about how to talk about you know what with you," Junichi poked his chest. "But she's even a kiss virgin! So it wasn't any help. But it really was, because I just felt better after talking about it."

Koda's lip twitch, in what you thought was annoyance. Then, it did it again. And again, until finally he broke out in serious, deep laughter.

"You! Rosie-Posy! You haven't even kissed anyone!" He roared raucously.

"Well, damn, Junichi, now everyone knows what a socially awkward loser I am! Thanks!" You slammed your hands over your eyes, trying to avoid any further embarrassment. But instead of that happening, you felt something warm on your lips.

As you opened your eyes, you recoiled at the sight of Koda's face up against your own. It was so nice. So incredibly pleasant, that when he pulled back, you desperately wanted to push forward. But you didn't. You couldn't.

"Hey... What if I was saving that for someone special?" You pouted.

"One of your best customers isn't special?" He asked with a wicked grin on his face. He looked way too happy for someone who had just stolen a kiss from a gender you didn't think he was attracted to.

"Fine! Whatever, ugh, I should charge you double." You muttered as you scanned his small bag of fertilizer.

"I'd be more than happy to pay quadruple." He quipped back.

"Which is why I'm going to charge you normal price. Just to deprive you of the sensation of charity. Hmph." You chuckled at yourself. "Junichi tried to kiss me too, you know! How come neither of you get jealous of each other."

"Well, Rosie-YN-Posy," Junichi smiled as he snaked his arm around Koda's thick bicep. "If you must know, it's because I know he's going to be screaming my name at the end of the day."

"You're going to make poor Koda's head explode if you keep embarrassing him!" You teased. "It's ten even."

As Koda shook his head and handed you the money, he watched as you placed it in your register and then plucked a leaf off of a plant nearby. His eyebrows stitched together as you placed it in your mouth and began chewing.

"What? It's mint." You looked away from the boys. "You've made me self-conscious about my breath! Now I don't know if strange men will just start kissing me or what! And I don't want to smell bad!"

The couple laughed at you.

"Trust me, Rosie," Koda smiled brightly again. "You taste wonderful."

They laughed a bit more at you, but quickly turned to leave once again. You smiled, glad to have had them come in today. Unconsciously, you hand drifted up to your lips. I'm really happy they came in today...

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now