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"You did it?" Miko looked at you in shock as she sat on one of the chairs in your living room.

"We did it."

"Like... put it in your body?"

"Over and over. That's kind of the definition."

"...Was it good?" She looked at you with curiosity.

"Well... Yeah. Really good. But I think you're missing the point about how Junichi... died..." You sipped on your camomile tea. You had dried your own camomile to make it, and it was the only thing really keeping you calm. "And then the meet is soon. Like this weekend soon. And I haven't seen him since. I'm really worried about him..."

"I'm going to be at that meet with Akira and Miki too..."

"Oh?" You looked at her surprised, "Congratulations. I'll have to come see you."

"Yeah, I'm going to win it all." She noted with determination.

"I believe in you!" You smiled back, sadly. "But isn't Koda like the best in Japan?"

"Yeah... I mean, I guess... After that party where Junichi died, he just got substantially better. And Akira went to something like that and now he's really, really good. So I went and, uh..." She stumbled. "I've got to tell you something, YN."

Warily, you set your tea down and looked at her.

"Yes, Miki?" You wanted to let her know that you would listen with your full attention.

"I... I went to one of those parties. And just like Akira and Koda, something happened. A lot of people died. But something... something got inside of me."

"A demon." You finished her sentence. "A demon got inside of you."

"How did you--"

"Koda too. And I suppose I assume Akira too." You sighed. "I kind of figured. You look so different, Miki, it's almost scary. But I'll be here for you. I don't care if you're a demon or a human or a parakeet or a lamp. You're my friend and one of my favorite customers."

"That's... I don't know what to say!" Her eyes teared up and she got up and fell onto you, hugging you. "You're such a good person. You're one of my best friends."

"Well if you say that," You hugged her back. "Do you want to talk about what you were crying about when I first met you?"

"You still remember that?" She sat back on the floor and wiped her eyes.

"Of course. You were so sad, Miki, even I was sad."

"You were worried about your plants and don't even lie!" She laughed. "I was just upset because I realized something that day."

"Yeah, do you want to talk more about that something?" You pushed her, trying to get her to open up to you. You desperately wanted to bridge this gap. To feel like she actually trusted you and that she meant it when she said you were her best friend.

"I realized... I realized that I liked girls... and that I was in love... with the other Miki." She hid her face in her hands as she spewed her deepest, darkest secret to you.

"That's very brave of you to tell me, Miki!" You smiled at her. "I think this deserves some cake. Wanna go out and get some? On me!"

She looked up at you, amazed at your acceptance.

"Yeah... Yeah, cake sounds nice!"

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now