Blue Orchid

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Koda couldn't stop himself and cracked up, doubling over from your joke.

"Damn, I'm not that funny, Koda." Laughing at him laughing at you was fun, but eventually, the door chimed again.

"Hello!" You called out.

"Fine, I'll get out of your hair. He's exact change." He handed you the money and grabbed the fertilizer and his two plants in his strong arms as he prepared to leave.

"Receipt?" You asked as he began walking away.

"Nah. Oh," He paused and looked back at you with soft eyes. "And you were right, by the way. That's exactly how this happened."

You smiled, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He was such a good guy and it was too bad he wasn't yours.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly and you even had a decent amount of customers in the later evening. But as you were cleaning up for the day, you noticed a piece of paper sticking out from underneath your register.

"What is this..." You asked outloud as you grabbed it.

Got you. It read. You gave a massive groan as you realized that what you had in your hand was a makeshift envelope with $200 in it.

"Koda... You're too good. You're going to make me fall in love with you." You shook your head, as if doing so would help the facts that he was first, not interested in women and second, he was deeply in love with Junichi, permeate into your brain.

You greatly appreciated his help, but you couldn't help feeling guilty for just accepting this kind of money. Koda was pretty honest, so maybe you could try and guilt him into helping out for a bit, the next time he came to your shop. Nodding to yourself at this idea, you decided to pack up and head home for the day.

As you walked into your apartment, you were greeted by silence. You had always wanted animals, but you didn't think being gone for twelve hours a day was very fair. And then same went for plants. Regardless of the fact that you were a horticulturalist for a living, you house had only one plant. A rare, pastel blue orchid that you had grown from seed. And growing it from seed had taken you years. There was only two blooms on it right now, but every time you saw this plant you felt immensely proud of yourself. There was no reason that you needed to grow an orchid from seed, the seeds are practically dust particle size anyway, but it was great to say you did it. It garnered you some respect in the plant growing business and when you had applied for a loan for your store, you had brought in a picture of it.

"If I can grow this, I can grow anything. And I want to sell the beautiful plants I grow in the city I love."

You had been rejected by two other banks at that point, but here, you had run into a fellow plant lover and gotten the money you needed.

And now, in my moment of need, is Koda: the plant lover.

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now