Passion Flower

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"I want them both." Koda remarked gruffly. "And if you call her Miki, I want to be called Koda."

"And me, Junichi!" Junichi added on cheerfully. He was definitely the ray of sunshine in the relationship.

"Only because you are being so sweet to me, Koda." You smiled at him as you went to grab your other Texas bluebell. Meanwhile, Miko had gone to examine the snapdragons and Jyunichi was examining the plants right by the register.

"YN?" He called out to you as you hurried back. "What's this plant?" He pointed to a particularly odd plant.

"Which?" You handed second pot to Koda who held them both as manly as he could and turned your attention to Junichi. "Ah. Passion flower! I keep those there to try and entice people to buy them on their way out. It's a bulb, which means that it should continue sprouting, even if it dies during the winter. Seven dollars."

"How romantic! Oh, Koda, please! Please buy me the passion flower, my passionate lover!"

You couldn't help but burst out into laughter at the sight of Koda's face. It was such a dark red that you were worried he would pass out.  At the sound of your laughter, Miko turned to see what was so funny. Then, she also joined in on the joke.

"Oh come on, everyone. Can't I just pay for these three flowers in peace?" Koda asked.

You wiped your eyes and nodded as you went behind the register.

"How much money do you keep in there usually, YN?" Junichi asked as he placed the passion flower on the counter in front of him.

"Why? Are you going to rob me?" You asked, smiling.

"What?! I would never! Tell her, Koda!" He turned to his boyfriend for help as he clutched onto his shirt.

"You better get a security system, YN. He's going to get you." Koda remarked in complete seriousness as he handed you a wad of cash, forcing you to lose your self-control once again and start laughing.

"The betrayal! And here I thought the passion flower sealed our bond!" Junichi acted as if he had never been so offended in his life, causing Miko to come back over, a small yellow snapdragon in hand.

"You two are so terrible! It makes me so depressed to see you both so happy. I feel like I'll never be in a relationship like yours." She sighed as she waited in line. "And not only that, but I need a partner who carries around hundred dollar bills like Koda! My snapdragon habit is expensive!"

You laughed at her as well, while you handed Koda back his change. Luckily for Miko, snapdragons were only five dollars and she had exact change. Koda handed Junichi the passion flower and in return received a sickeningly sweet kiss from his boyfriend. Your heart hurt just a little bit, catching you off guard.

I must want a boyfriend as well. You thought to yourself.

"YN." Koda said after the kiss was broken. "I'll advertise your store on my social media. Or if I get interviewed."

"Th-thank you!" You smiled brightly.

Or maybe I just want Junichi's...

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now