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At around two in the morning your phone lit up and played the tone of a call. You groaned and thought about ignoring it. As it continued to ring, you decided that the least that you could do was look at who was calling you.

It was just a string of numbers, unfamiliar to you. You hesitated, but ultimately you answered the phone.


You recognized Koda's voice as it blasted you awake.

"What do you mean? Koda, what happened?"

"D-D-Demons! Oh my God, YN, they got me too. There's one inside of me. And they killed everyone else. Please. Please can I come to you?" He pleaded. He knew it would've been worse if he just showed up at your house, but in fact he was already walking there. No way in hell would the cops catch him there as the only one alive. Especially now that he had been... melded with. He screamed in anger, sobbing with hatred. How could this have happened to him? All he wanted to do was have a fun night with his boyfriend. And now, he had left the sight of a mass murder and was heading to the girl he practically stalked.

"Uh... yeah I guess, I'll text you my address... But can I ask how you even got my number?" You were a little sleep drunk but you didn't think you had ever given it to him.

He stumbled slightly. How to explain...

"Junichi got it from Miko who got it from you. I got it from his phone just b-b-before he d-d-d—" He burst into tears again.

"Ah it doesn't matter, doesn't matter. Alright I'm going to hang up and send you my location, okay? Just come in when you get here. I'll have some tea and we can talk about everything... I mean, demons?... It sounds like you're cracking up. Be strong Koda. Strong like an amaryllis; strongest of all the flowers. Alright, see you, Koda."

"S-S-See you, Posy. I'll... I'll try..." He sniffled and sprinted to your door. But instead of the twenty minutes he expected, it took less than ten. Looking down at his body in amazement, he laughed just a bit at how useful this would be for track. But quickly, this turned to tears. He would have to keep running. Without Junichi. And now, he really did seem like a stalker because of how easily and quickly he had gotten to your home.

He decided to sit on the step before your home and picked up the flower. He smelled it and frowned when there wasn't much of a smell. The bouquet had smelled so beautifully; he hoped you had brought it inside.

The door creaked open behind him.

"Did you send me those flowers, Koda?" You asked suddenly as you noticed him holding it tenderly. Maybe it wasn't the right time, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. It would certainly explain why he had gotten here so quickly.

"I'm... I'm a demon now... I ran so fast I scared myself..." He looked down and began crying again. "And I did. Yeah. I didn't want to creep you out... Are you going to tell me to go away?"

You thought about it. You kind of wanted to shoo him away; you had no experience with someone who watched a mass murder, nor someone who had lost their partner, nor someone who just admitting to stalking you.

"No. No. We can maybe talk about why later. Just come inside."

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now