Red Carnation

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"Why are we going this long ass way, Koko?" Junichi whined as Koda dragged him down the street that he knew you lived on.

"Can't you be more romantic? It's just a nice night out before we go to the hot, sweaty club." He rolled his eyes, pissed he was even going to this club at all. He would have much prefer to just stay home and have sex with Junichi in his comfortable bed. But no. Of course not. Junichi just had to go to this dumb sex party.

"It'll be so sexy, Koda! Oh my God, can you imagine? You can literally do it anywhere! And there will be some devi-devi maybe! I always wanted to try it!"

"You can't do drugs, Junichi. We're going to get tested soon. Do you even care about track?"

"Not as much as I care about enjoying my life! Why don't you try it?" Junichi nudged Koda and looked up at him with puppy-dog eyes; silently pleading.

And now he was here, walking to the stupid party in a tank top and shorts. But he was quickly approaching your door and he was searching for your answer. Of course he didn't think you knew it was him leaving the flowers; especially since he normally only bought plants from you. But he wondered if you would have even been interested. If he had any chance at all.

"Aww look Koda, someone left a rose on that doorstep." Junichi pointed at the single red flower. His head whipped towards the door in question. His heart had temporarily sunk, thinking that somehow there was no response at all. But to his relief, Junichi had just misidentified the flower

"Not a rose, Nichi-Chibi. That's a carnation. A red one. But it means the same thing. 'I accept you'."

"Oh my gosh that is too cute! You should get me red carnations for my birthday!" Junichi was so cute sometimes.

"Of course, babe." Koda looked around and then wrapped his arm around Junichi, kissing his face.

After about thirty more minutes of walking, the couple finally arrived at the door to the Sabbath party. Once inside, they were greeted with the sight of naked people already fornicating every place imaginable. There were strippers and go-go dancers. Drug dealers and couples of all sorts.

"I'm so fucking excited!" Junichi squealed as he dragged Koda onto the dance floor.

Shocked by the whole scene, it took Koda a minute or two to even start moving his body, but before long he was grinding and making out with Junichi. His surroundings were intoxicated and even though he hadn't taken anything, he felt high. He had his hands deep inside the back of Junichi's pants and was teasing and playing with him in preparation for what he wanted to do next. In return, Junichi's hands were down the front of Koda's pants, ensuring he would be ready for the pleasure that was about to ensue.

Before long, Koda had found his way inside of Junichi, right there on the dance floor and he was living it up. Suddenly however, there was a blood-curling scream.

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now