Violets & Tulips

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And they did. Eventually.

People didn't understand and sooner, rather than later, all hell broke loose. It wasn't very safe to walk the streets anymore, and yet you couldn't bare to leave your plants to die. So quickly you moved all that was important into your greenhouse. No one else came in anymore anyways.

The door tinkled open, causing you to jump.

"Woah, didn't think you'd be scared of little ol' me." Koda's deep voice rang out and you laughed out in relief.

"Well I certainly didn't expect you to ever come back, that's for sure."

"I was just here last week!" He rubbed the back of his head indignantly. "What, miss me?"

You walked over to him and fell into his open arms.

"How are things looking out there?" You asked as Koda kissed your head.

"Bad. Really bad. That's why I risked coming in here actually..." He held your face in his hands.

"Why so serious, Koda? I'm sure eventually everything will calm down." You looked up at him earnestly.

He sighed and grabbed your hand, taking you to sit in between the violets and the tulips.

As he sat down, he pulled you into his lap and kissed at your neck.

"Look, things aren't looking so good out there... I think that things aren't going to calm down. They're not going to get better. Not for humans at least." He held you close as he touched your body. Even as a demon, he still felt such intense feelings for you. He couldn't bare to lose you. So he had come to ask this. "Become a devilman. Please, YN. It's the only way I know that you could be safe. The humans are even killing humans now."

"No, thank you." You looked away from him.

"What? YN, I'm telling you, you need to. I really think you'll... you'll die as a human."

"Well, I guess if the rest of us are going, then I might as well join."

"I..I..." You looked up at the devilman holding you. He had tears running down his face. "I can't lose you too! I already lost Junichi. I couldn't help him, but I can help you. I can help you become a devilman and you and I can live in this world."

"Don't cry, Koda. Just let everything play out."

"Why? Why do you say no?" He clenched his arms around you.

"Demons don't like flowers. They don't care about plants like I do. If becoming a demon means that I lose one of the most important things in my life, then I simply don't want to do it."

"Even if it means a life with me?"

"At this point, I don't know that it would even guarantee that. So please, if this is going to be the end, can you let me enjoy it how I want to? With my plants and with you?"

He nodded sadly, laying his head on your shoulder.

But Koda wasn't saying yes. He was giving a signal; one that would change the course of everything.

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now