Mountain Laurel

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You thought about having him sit down on your chairs that you and Miko often sat on in your living room. You didn't have a couch, or really any area where you could comfort Koda without a gaping space between you. So you guided him to the only place that came to mind; your bed.

"Sit, sit." You guided him as you sat next to him. "What happened?"

He collapsed into your lap and tried to ignore the fact that he was in your bed. Despite his traumatizing evening, the significance was not lost on him.

"We were dancing and then a creature, unlike any I've ever seen or heard of... it tore people apart. We tried to run but..." He buried his face in your thinly veiled stomach. You only had a large tee shirt on, but you thought that in his state of distress that Koda wouldn't notice.

But Koda did notice and as he tried to stop crying, he felt his body unwillingly react to your own.

"I almost killed you too. I so desperately wanted you to come." His voice was muffled. "I was so fucking obsessed with you, I would have brought you to that party just to touch you. To kiss you again. And you would be gone too. Or worse, a demon. There's a demon inside of me now and I don't know when it will come out."

You didn't know what to react to. His confession of love (or obsession rather), his misplaced guilt or the idea about demons. So you didn't react to anything. Instead you just hummed and rubbed his hair as he cried and continued his prolonged confession.

"I loved you ever since I set eyes on you. I loved your plants. I loved your laugh. I loved your acceptance. At first," He sniffed and continued laying on your thighs, arms wrapped around your legs. "At first, I thought we were going to be really good friends but... You were so nice and so sexy and so... cool..."

You laughed, definitely not sure about any of that.

"Every flower... every plant... I just felt so special. I felt like you actually cared about what I wanted and what I liked... I just wanted to keep seeing you. And then I kissed you."

"Thief." You tugged at his ear playfully, trying to keep him on this topic rather than what had just transpired. It was also true that you were eating up his confession.

"I know, I'm sorry... I just... I should have asked. No," He began heaving again, "I should have never done it. I am with... I was with... Junichi..."

Desperately feeling uncomfortable as he sobbed into you, you tried your best to soothe him.

"Kooodaaaa. Koda, Koda, Koda. I've had a crush on you since the first day." You finally admitted. "I felt so guilty for it; I didn't even think you liked girls."

His sniffling stopped almost instantly. He had to hear this clearly, even if it meant snot running down his face.

"I... I wanted to kiss you again. You can ask Miki! I wouldn't shut up about it."

He sat up and wiped his face off until it was just red and splotchy.

"You look like a mountain laurel." You smiled at him.

And then, he kissed you.

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now