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"Koda explodes off the block! An amazing opening sprint!"

"That's classic Koda. He never holds back, even in an exhibition." The blonde mentioned.

You watched in amazement as the exhibition showed something amazing. As soon as Miko got the rod however, she took off, surprising you. She was inhumanely fast. But so was Koda.

"The only one on the heels of Koda, in the green, the heroine of the track Miki Makimura!"

You made a face. That wasn't Miki's last name. Miki's last name was Kuroda.

And then Akira grabbed the rod from Miko and took off at the same unbelievable speed.

"Fudo from Kamioka Academy has caught up. But... he's supposed to be the anchor."

"They're talking..." You whispered as something began to happen. The stadium turned red and you stood up. It felt like time to leave.

And then you saw it. You saw his demon form. And you ran as fast as you could to get away. You saw the blood and you saw the mayhem. You ran and ran to get back to your shop. You felt the pain. The fear that Koda was feeling.

You realized now why running was so important. It was going to save your life. As you closed and locked the door behind you from the outside world. As you turned on the news and watched, you realized just what this was going to turn into.

Gazing at your plants, you sighed.

"I suppose... no one is going to be looking to buy plants anymore." You frowned. "Oh, Koda..."

And you decided that if no one was going to buy plants anymore, then you could arrange them just exactly as you damn well pleased.

Starting with the orchids, you lined them up so prettily on your counter, helping lift your spirits.

You lined the walkways with your favorite pansies, bright red in the front, fading to pink and finally to white. You hung ferns from the ceilings and scattered the snapdragons everywhere you could.

You sat in the middle of your Garden of Eden and you waited. Waited for the noise from outside to calm down. Waited to see what would happen.

But this was going to take a long time to go away. So you sat against your counter and you looked at the world you had created around you.

It felt safe. And it felt perfect. And most of all, it felt like a place you could die.

"Die? Hmm. I suppose if the world is going to be full of demons, like the television is saying, then I might be out of luck. Even if my best friend is a demon. Even if my... whatever is a demon." You sighed. "At least I have my plants. Always there for me. Never trying to kill me." You laughed. "Well I guess if I ate them, they might!"

You shook your head and tried not to frown.

"Crazy lady talking to plants... Talking about dying... People will understand, won't they? I mean, I don't mind..." You rubbed the petals of the orchid next to you. "But I do wish they'd come and see me."

Delicate (Devilman Crybaby: Koda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now