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Rachel's Pov

Me and Brad have just had dinner and he is staying at mine tonight. Today has been amazing we have had the best catch up and we can't stop talking it's just like when we were younger. But I haven't told Brad one thing. It never came up in conversation. I am scared to tell him. I am scared in case he blames me to.

" hey you" Brad says putting his hands on my both my shoulders I jump slightly as I got a fright.

" sorry I never meant to scare you" Brad says smiling trying to hold on his laugh.

"It's okay" I say smiling and Brad bursts out laughing.

"What should we do?" Brad asks

"Why don't we go into the pool that's connected to all these house block things" I ask and Brad's head nods extremely fast

"Take that as a yes" I giggle smiling at how excited Brad gets over the smallest things.

"I'm gonna go put a bikini on okay go put your trunks on" I say smiling and running up the stairs to my room.

I grab my black bikini and I put it on I walk over to the mirror and look at myself I haven't wore a bikini since the operation. i see the one disgusting scar that make me look so ugly and are massive to me on my chest. I still haven't got used to them and it's been a year. It brings back to many horrible memories. I can't wear this or I will have to explain to Brad. I grab a oversized jumper that was lying on top of my bed and put it over my bikini. I just won't go in the pool it's fine.

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