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Rachel's pov

I'm sat in the hospital. I haven't heard anything. I'm worried really worried. I look up and see Anne Marie, Derek and Nat walk into the hospital with worried and sad expression on there faces. Anne Marie and Derek walk of to find a doctor I guess but they hadn't noticed me.

Nat sees me and she gives me a disgusted look. I look up and her face softens as he sees my busted lip and the bruises on my face.

She walks over and sits next to me

"What happened Rachel" nat asks

"This is all my fault" I say

I start explaining

" I never wanted to be with him I didn't. I never wanted to hurt Brad. Me and Brad bumped into each other and I explained everything and we were good again. But then Alex came. I made Brad hide. Alex got so angry and he forced me to take this picture with him for my instagram but I never wanted to take it. Just like all the instagrams I posted I never wanted to. He forced me just like he forced me to kiss him that night when the papz took the photo cause he knew they would be there. I never wanted to kiss him but he said he would hurt Brad and I knew what he was capable of so i couldn't let brad get hurt. I just couldn't. I just wanted to protect him. Alex got so angry and he started punching and kicking me and I told brad what ever happens don't come out of the cupboards but he did and then Alex was on top of him punching him and I tried to get him off him but he wouldn't and then the police came and Brad won't wake up. I just love him so much. Nat i don't know what to do anymore" I table tears falling from my eyes.

I look up to see Anne Marie and Derek looking down. They heard everything tears in there eyes.

"I'm so sorry Rach" nat says brining me into a hug.

" it's okay" I say quietly

"No it's not" Anne Marie says brining me into a hug and then derek

"I have missed you guys so much" I say

"We have missed you way more" Derek says with sad eyes

"But what about Brad did you speak to the doctor" I ask getting panicked

"No news yet, all they said was he was having a scan to see if there was bleeding on the brain" Anne Marie says tears falling from my eyes.

My heart breaks. If he does he might not make it and it would be my fault.

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