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Rachel's PoV

We have arrived back and the house and we are just in the living room sitting. Nobody is saying anything. I just don't know what to say. I'm scared. I'm so scared that something is going to happen to him.

"Rachel tell me what's been going on" Brad says brining me out of my day dream.

"Brad I don't know if I can because you see if I say this then something will happen and I don't want that to happen." I start to ramble but he grabs my hand.

"You know you can tell me everything. Don't you think I should know why I was on tour and then I see photos of my girlfriend kissing another guy the guy that bullied me in high school before I left and then all these photos of you and him everywhere. When did you even start dating him in high school?" Brad says looking at me. I feel so Guilty I can't believe I did this to him.

I take a breath

"When you left high school it was the worst thing ever. I felt so alone. And I missed you. So I started dating him. For the first couple of months it was great he was really nice, he was nice which I was not expecting after what he would do to you. I'm sorry I hated him it was stupid and I was annoyed and sad that you left. But always in my mind I had the thought he wasn't you. Then after two months he started to realise that I never felt the same way and he would call me horrible names and and..." I stop myself as a tear falls from my eye

"Did he hit you" Brad asks and I nod.

"I never wanted to be with him after he hit me the first time in high school but then he said he would hurt Charlie so I had to" I say tears falling from my eyes and Brad gives me a hug.

"Brad I never wanted to hurt you" I say looking in Brad's eyes

"I know" Brad says

"How" I ask

"Because when your lying you start fidgeting and I can look in your eyes and I know you and I know  when your being genuine" Brad says with a small smile

"Brad the reason I met up with him. Is because he said he would hurt you." I get my bag and go in and get my phone and show him the messages. Brad's reading the messages and once he is done he looks at me to continue.

"I met him in LA. And he said that you had everything and he wanted everything including me. He wanted to take everything away from you. I said no i didn't want to be with him. But he whispered in my ear what he would do to you" I say the memory putting shivers down my spine. My eyes will with fear imagining what would happen I should not be telling Brad right now.

"What did he say he would do Rach please tell me" Brad says taking my hand in his.

"He said he would get his group gang thing I don't know on you and Brad he has killed people before beating them to death. I could not let that happen to you. I just can't" I say and I burst into tears.

"Come here look I'm gonna be okay" Brad says bringing me into a hug. But I could see the fear in his eyes he was so scared because he knows what Alex is capable of.

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