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Rachel's POV

Charlie has just sat in the big arm chair. They put the needle through his hand and positioned it at the top of his hand. With the chemo attached to it and will go through the tube then into his hand. Charlie  grabbed my hand as the needle was going through his hand. He hates needles.

"Rach I feel it going through my hand I feel the liquid " Charlie looks at me concerned and panicked

"It's normal don't worry" I say hugging him

The doctor came in and told Charlie all the side effects that he will experience.

1 hour later

He is done his first does of chemo and we are heading home in the car I sit in the back with Charlie as Brad drives.

"I feel so tired Rach" Charlie says sounding extremely weak. I hate seeing him like this. He is normally so full of life but he just looks scared.

"It's okay go to sleep" I whisper as he puts his head on my legs as I put my hands through his hair as he goes to sleep.

Charlie PoV

I felt so weak and tired. I just could not keep my eyes open anymore. I don't know if I'm strong enough to beat this.

Rachel's POV

"We're home" Brad says looking at the back where I am sat and giving me a small smile

"You go in and I will come in once he has woken up" I reply looking down at Charlie and then at Brad. Brad nods his head and reaches for my hand he takes my hand into his.

"I love you okay so much" Brad says kissing me and I smile

"I love you too"

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