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Rachel's PoV

" so pretty girl. Are you going to see braddy boy when you are here" Alex asks me for the one hundredth time.

"No" I say quietly.

"Right time for you to post another picture" Alex asks picking my phone of the flour and passing it to me.

" I don't want to" I say

"Take your jumper of and let's take the Fricking photo" Alex says I slowly take my jumper off Brad's artic monkeys top on underneath. It was the only thing of him I had left so I would wear it quite a lot.

"You never COVERED THE BURISES" Alex shouts grabbing my arm and looking at them.

" I did it just came Of through the day. I promise I did" I say in a panic

"What about this one did you cover this" Alex says lifting my top over my stomach revealing a massive bruise from when he kicked me in the stomach.

"YOU BITCH YOUR SUPPOSED TO COVER THESE." Alex shouts slapping me in the face.

"I'm so so so sorry just please don't hurt me anymore" I stutter in fear.

"Do you love me Rachel" Alex says

I don't answer

"I SAID DO YOU LOVE ME" Alex says grabbing a hold of both my shoulders

"NO I DON'T I WILL NEVER WILL LOVE YOU" I shout but instantly regret it.
Alex starting kicking my stomach and then my arms.

"Stop get off her" I here someone shout I look to see Brad and he goes to Alex and pushes him so he is no where near me.

"Oh well look who it is" Alex says with a smirk

"Stay away from her" Brad says

Alex goes up to me and grabs a hold of my arm and punches my stomach and my face.

"That's for lying" Alex says his voice full of venom.

"I SAID GET OF HER" Brad shouts and punches him.

Everything was going so quickly Brad is on the bottom And Alex is punching and kicking him. I shan't up and run over and try to pull Alex of him.

"Stop Alex stop it please" I cry trying to pull him of Brad. But it's no use I'm not strong enough.

Then three police men run in. And take Alex of Of Brad.

"Alex Jackson your under arrest for abuse" the police man says and takes Alex away.

I get closer to Brad and his eyes are closed

"Brad" I say

"Brad wake up" I cry shaking him. He isn't moving.

"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE" I shout while crying

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