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Brad's POV

My parents and Nat have just left and I think the others are coming in now. The door opens and in comes the boys, Kirstie, Luisa and Anastasia. Where is Rachel ?

The boys run over and bring me into a group hug. Being careful.

"I missed you bae" Tristan says kissing my cheek and we all laughed

"So glad you okay Brad. Thank you for saving her" Kirstie says bringing me into a hug followed by Luisa and Anastasia.

"I always would" I say to Kirstie

"How you feeling" Connor asks

"Im okay my ribs hurt and my head and I'm absolutely exhausted" I say and they all laugh I look at them confused

"You have been asleep for ages how can you be tired" Tristan says which makes us all laugh and I shrug.

"Thank you guys" I say and they give me a confused look

"For what" James asks confused

"For always coming and seeing me. And watching my favourite film with me. Making me laugh. Making me Sad I wasn't with you guys. Playing my favourite music to me. Talking to me for hours. justThank you for visiting me" I say taking a deep breath not wanting to get emotional

"Brad of course we would your our best friend. Nothing would be the same with our you" Connor says

"Wait Brad did you hear every single thing" Luisa asks and I nod and their eyes widen.

"I tried to give you a sign I could hear you but nothing would work" I say getting a bit emotional

"It's okay Brad don't worry your awake now and that's all that matters. Alex is going to pay for this" Anastasia says and the rest nod and I smile at them.

"I love you guys" I say smiling at them

"We love you more" they all say at the same time brining me into a hug again.

"Guys where is Rachel" I ask

" she wanted to give us all time before coming in" James says smiling I smile

"She is flipping amazing" I say and they all laugh and nod

"And our best friend" the girls say at the same time

" and ours" the boys say I'm so happy that we are all best friends.

"You really love her don't you" Connor asks and I nod really excitedly smiling.

"I always have since we were kids" I say.

The girls are smiling at me.

"Awwh you guys are honestly made for each other. You always have been" Kirstie says and the rest of the girls nod and I smile

"I'm so glad you found your way back to each other" Connor says I smile

"Me too" I say smiling

"You deserve it and deserve to have someone perfect" James says smiling

"Oh my tradley heart I'm heart broken" Tristan says pretending to cry and fall on the floor crying. We all burst into laughter

"Can you go and get that beautiful human and tell her to get her butt in here because I want to see her" I say smiling and they all laugh and Bring me into a group hug

"We will all go get her Brad" Kirstie says smiling

"Thanks guys for everything" I say smiling at them

"See you in a bit yeah" James says and I nod

"Come in later after Rachel and we can all do something watch a movie in here or something" I say and they all nod smiling and waving goodbye and leaving the room.

Now to finally be able to talk and see the girl that I love with all my heart. Rachel and to make sure she doesn't blame herself.

A/N- hope you enjoyed

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