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Rachel's POV

I have someone in mind to walk me down the aisle I haven't asked the person yet. I know the person I would have wanted it to be first my dad. I wish mum and dad were here it won't be the same without but I know they will be partying up there with us all knowing that I am finally marrying Brad.

I walk upstairs to Charlie's room which is in our house at the moment. I knock.

"Come In" Charlie shouts

I open the door and see Charlie lying on his bed. He looks up and gives me a smirk.

"You looking forward to the run though tonight lil one" Charlie asks and I close the door behind me and walk over to his bed and sit on the bottom of it looking at him.

"Nervous" I say with a giggle

"Try not to be nervous. Your marrying your best friend" Charlie says smiling

"Im here to ask you something" i say fiddling with my hands because I'm nervous he nods for me to carry on

"Well dads not here anymore and neither I wish they were and of course mum. I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle but then I thought of you. When mum and dad died you were like my dad. Your more than a brother to me Charlie your my best friend I was wondering would you walk me down the aisle" I say smiling

Charlie's face lights up and a tear falls from his eye.

"OF COURSE I WILL"Charlie shouts bringing me into a hug and we both laugh

"Thank you " I say smiling and I bring him into another hug.

"You don't need to thank me. In all honesty I had no idea who you were going to ask. But I am honestly honoured it me. I love you with all my heart lil sis.  Oh and Rachel I have something to tell you" Charlie says and I think what could it be.

"It's when your going back to america isn't it" I ask with a sad smile and he shakes his head.

"I bought a house in Birmingham near your and Brad's house. I'm moving to Birmingham" Charlie says supper excited

"What" I ask completely shocked

"I'm not going back to America I'm coming home" Charlie says smiling at me

"O MY GOSH CHARLIE" I jump up with excitement and give him the biggest hug.

Tomorrow is going to be so special. I'm going to be Mrs Simpson. And my brother is officially moving to Birmingham again. I will never have to say goodbye to him ever again.

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