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Rachel's POV

I'm just heading into the hospital now to see Brad I haven't visited  in a couple of days. He still hasn't woken up. Which breaks my heart. What if he doesn't the doctor says there is still a chance. I think if I see Alex I would kill him for what he has done.

I walk into the hospital and I see Anne Marie and Derek sitting outside Brad's room.

"Hey" I say with a small smile.

"Hey sweetie how are you today" Anne Marie says bringing me into a hug

" I'm okay considering sorry I haven't called in a few days" I say feeling a bit guilty

" don't worry Rachel, you don't need to apologies" Derek says giving me a hug

" How is he?" I ask

" same as every other day" Anne Marie says tears fall from her eyes. My eyes fill with tears but I take a deep breath and hold the tears back. If I cry again I won't be able to stop.

" the others are all coming later to see him but I'm going to go in and talk to him for a bit" I smile as they nod I give them both a hug at the same time.

Before I go in

" Rachel thank you" Derek says

I give him a confused look

" What for" I ask

" for being an amazing girlfriend to Brad, being there for him and for us. You have always been there for us but when you and Brad went your separate ways. I speak on behave of us all it was never the same without you" Derek says and Anne Marie nods continuing with what Derek just said

"You are really an amazing girl Rachel so caring. Rachel just everything about you is perfect. I am so thankful we have been able to see you turn into an amazing young women.Brad is so lucky to have you" Anne Marie says  a tear does fall from my eye this time but I quickly whip it away.

" thank you both but I'm the lucky one. Brad is an amazing boy and you are amazing parents to him and Nat. The relationship you all have is incredible I have always loved that about you guys. Brad has always made me laugh, he is a gentleman, he has an amazing  sense of humour, his voice is beautiful . I'm so lucky to have and for you guys. You have always been my second mum and dad and I will be grateful forever" I smile at them as I remember all me and Brad's memories

They both bring me into a hug and I smile as do they. Tears in all our eyes.

I then walk into Brad's room and sit next to him and hold his hand.

"Hey B" I say

"I love you so much and you honestly are the best boyfriend in this whole world. I'm so sorry for everything" I say kissing his forehead softly

" oh yeah B  I know I haven't said this yet to you. But it's been a while and you still haven't woken up. I don't want to say this but if your not strong enough then you can let go. I promise we will be fine after a heck of a long time of course we will miss your beautiful face and we will miss your amazing sense of humour that beautiful voice your goofy self  we would miss every single thing about you that makes you who you are and we will love you forever but Brad if you need to go. Go just let go if you can't stay strong anymore. I'm so sorry Alex did this to you. This never should have happened. You should have let him beat me up. You should be awake right now not happy. " I say tears falling from my eyes

"It's okay to let go I promise" I cry as i feel a touch under, between  my hand.................

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