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Rachel's PoV

I sat in the shower for what felt like hours. I still feel dirty and feel him touching me. As I sat in the shower my mind kept going back to what happened it felt like it was happening again and again. I feel completely  numb. I finally get out of the shower and I put some of my Pyjamas on one of Brads over sized jumpers and my sports joggers to cover the bruises. I leave the bathroom and Anne Marie is still sitting there. Her eyes are blood shot she has been crying. Because of me.

"I am so sorry" I say trying to hold back my tears.

"You have nothing to be sorry about" Anne Marie says bringing me into a hug

"Thank you for not leaving" I whisper

"I would never leave you" Anne Marie says softly

We both walk down stairs together. I am nervous. I'm scared what everyone will think. I know I have only told Anne Marie but I think everyone has guessed.

We get down the stairs and go to the living room where everyone Anastasia Luisa, Tristan and Connor ate here now too they are all sitting looking sad and worried.

This is all my fault. Everyone looks up. Nat rushes over to me and brings me into a hug.

I look at Brad over Nat'a shoulders his eyes are red.

A tear falls from my eyes as I look at Brad who is absolutely broken.

Brad stands up and comes over to me and brings me into a hug. Swaying us from side to side.

"I need to tell you" I whisper in his ear Brad nods

"We will be back" Brad says as he takes my hand in his as everyone nods. With tears in there eyes.

We go into the kitchen and I can hear Anne Marie crying in the living room telling them what happened. I'm so thankful in a way she is telling them cause then I don't need to I guess.

We both sit down and Brad takes my hand into his.

"I was coming to the concert. I was walking and I felt like someone was behind me. I tuned around and nobody was there but I still felt there was so I started walking faster but someone put there hand over my mouth and dragged me into the ally way" I stop as tears fall
From my eyes

"listen you don't have to say anything if you are not ready" Brad says bringing me into a hug

"I have to. B I have to. But just promise me something you won't think of me differently or hate me or leave me" I say looking him in the eyes which are full of sadness.

" I would never leave you. I promise i will always be there for you forever I love you" Brad says as he gives my hand a wee squeeze I let out a small sigh of relief

" I was in the ally way and this guy.." I stop and cry.

"Did he touch you" Brad asks a tear falling from his eye. I nod

"Did he take advantage of you" Brad asks I nod again.

Brad wraps his arms around me

"I said no Brad so many times" I cry into his shoulder

"I know" Brad says quietly I can tell he is crying.

"I'm so sorry I never protected you he took advantage of you and I wasn't there to protect you. I should have been there to protect you" Brad cries brining me closer into his chest his arms wrapped around me.

"Please it's not your fault. Never blame yourself your always there for me your the best boyfriend and best friend in this world" I whisper hugging Brad even tighter

"I love you so much" Brad says

"I love you so much too" I say kissing his lips as tears fall from both our eyes.

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