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Rachel's PoV

The paramedics have just arrived and they have put Charlie on the stretcher. And into the ambulance.

"Can I go with him" I say tears falling down my eyes

"Of course you can sweetie" the paramedic lady said And o rush into the ambulance and sit on the chair next to Charlie I grab his hand.

"Your gonna be okay" I whisper bringing his hand closer to me

"I love you so much" I say tears falling from my eyes.

1 hour later

They took Charlie to check him out and do tests and all that stuff. I haven't heard anything. I just need to know if my big brother is okay. I have a feeling at the pit of my stomach that I might know what it is because  of all the symptoms they are all to familiar to me. But I am just praying it's not.

I have been waiting in this stupid waiting room for to long. I look at my phone and Brad texted saying they will be at the studio later than expected. I'm glad In a away. I don't want to tell them cause I don't want to worry them either.

Finally a doctor came through the doors

"Is anyone here for Charlie Foster" the man says through the waiting room I stand up and rush over to him.

"Follow me" he says leading me to his office. This can't be good.

" there is good news Charlie has woken up he is conscious" I let Breath of relief out that I never realised I was holding.

" but there is bad news" the doctor says giving me a sympathetic look. I look at him to carry on

"We ran some tests and we found a tumour on Charlie's brain" the doctor says as tears fall from my eyes. My heart breaks. Why did it have to be true I thought to myself

"He is going to be okay though they will start chemo and he will be fine" I say very quietly and quickly

"We have spoken to Charlie and he is going to start chemo as soon as possible" the doctor says and I nod

"Can I see him" I stutter

The doctor nods " he is in room 100 and he will be in for a few days and will have to return here every two weeks for chemo" the doctor says and I nod

I know how this works.

Why did this have to happen.

He needs to be okay. He has to.

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