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Brad's POV

The door opened. And FINALLY Rachel is their. Her beautiful face lights up as she sees me smiling at her.

"Hey B" Rachel says smiling as she closes the door

"Hey Rach And can I just say you the nicest person letting everyone in but you idiot I have been waiting to see you for ages" I say as she walks over to me laughing which I join in to.

"Aw I have missed that brummie voice and laugh so much and you. I have missed everything about you. I'm so sorry" Rachel says as a tear falls from her eye.

"Don't cry please and never blame yourself I will forever protect you" I say smiling. I can finally comfort her when she cries now.

"Come here" I say moving on the bed so their is a space for her to lie down next to me

"Brad I don't want to hurt you" Rachel says giving me a concerned look

"Get beside me now you idiot" I say again and we both laugh

She lies down beside me slowly so gentle  so she doesn't hurt my ribs. I make her head fall softly onto my chest as I have my chin on her head.

I grab her hand softly and intertwined our fingers together.

"Thank you" I say smiling looking at our hands

"What for" Rachel says sitting up giving me a confused look

"For being here. Every day" I say smiling

"Your my boyfriend of course I would be here and I love you" Rachel says smiling

"And thank you for everything you said and what you said earlier I tried my very best to wake up and it worked this time. I tried so many times but nothing worked. Also Rachel I'm scared I'm scared he will come back and hurt us" I begin to ramble as a tears falls from my eye

"I can't believe you heard everything. Brad everything is going to be okay. He can't hurt us anymore" Rachel says whipping my tears away

"Your perfect, I'm so lucky to have you" I say and Rachel's face lights up

"I have missed you sooo much. But seriously I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you. You protected me. I wish I could have protected you" Rachel says smiling with a slight frown I bring her closer

" you don't need to protect me. everyone is coming in later and we are going to watch a film like what you guys did before" I say and she smiles

"I can't wait and now your awake it will be even better" Rachel says smiling with her beautiful smile

I yawn

"Are you tired" Rachel asks putting her hand on my cheek rubbing it slightly over my bruised face as we smile at each other.

"Yeah" I nod

"Go to sleep B" Rachel says and I panic a bit

"But what if I don't wake up this time" I say in a panic and Rachel frowns

"Of course your going to wake up I won't let you not wake up. I just got you back and I'm not letting him come in between us ever again" Rachel says and that reassures me.

"please be here when I wake up" I say holding her hand

"I promise" Rachel says smiling

I have missed everything about this beautiful girl.

I bring her even closer and I put my lips on to hers.

I have missed that.

She really has no idea how perfect she is.

" I love you" I say

"I love you more" Rachel says and I bring her so her head is on my chest and my chin on her head like before. She puts one hand over my chest and intertwined our hands then she rubs small circles on my hand with her  thumb.

" I'm never gonna leave you ever" I hear Rachel whisper and I smile

My eyes get heavy and the darkness takes over.

A/N- hope you enjoyed 💗

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