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Rachel's POV

I look around Starbucks. I see him sitting smirking at me. My heart beats extremely fast and I feel like I'm going to be sick. I slowly walk over to him and I hesitantly sit down.

Alex leans over the table.

"Just on time" Alex whispers in my ear. Shivers go down my spine. I feel terrified.

"What do you want" I stutter

"Your going to leave Brad okay" Alex says with a smirk

"Am i heck I love him" I say

"Brad always got his way in high school but now I want my way" Alex says raising his voice slightly

"What if I don't leave Brad" I stutter

He leans over and whispers in my ear everything he will do to Brad and the boys.

"So will you leave him or do you want him to get hurt" Alex says grabbing my arm and holding it very tight. A bruise will be there in the morning.

"Just don't hurt him please" I stutter in fear

"Good choice pretty girl" Alex says standing up and sitting next to me and kissing my cheek

"Come on let's go get  the paparazzi" Alex says and I look at him confused

"What" I ask he grabs my hand and forcefully pulls me out the shop but stops when he sees 4 paparazzi people outside the shop taking photos. Then asking me loads of questions Knowing that I am Brad's girlfriend.

"Kiss me back" Alex whispers in my ear and he grabs both sides of my face and kisses me extremely forcefully. I feel sick. This is nothing like Brad's kiss.

I hear the sound of all the cameras go off.

Everyone is going to hate me.

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