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Rachel's POV

We have all arrived at the hospital. When I say All I mean us all James, Connor, Brad, Tristan, Kirstie, Anastasia, Luisa, Zac, me and Charlie. I love our squad they have all been so amazing and there for Charlie when he needed it.

We are in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come out.

"Charlie foster" the doctor says as he appears from behind the door. Charlie stands up and looks at me

"Come with Me" he looks down at me with worry in his eyes

"Of course" I say grabbing his hand as we both follow the doctor.

We both sit down and the all to familiar  comes over me. He has to be okay. The cancer has to be gone.

The doctor looks at us sympathetically. This is not good.

I hold Charlie's hand tighter.

"I'm so sorry the chemo never worked and the cancer has spread" the doctor says and that's when my heart broke as tears fall from my eyes.

"How long?" Charlie asks

"A couple of weeks at the very most" the doctor says

"There must be something you can do. There has to be" I get annoyed at the doctor. I can't just have two weeks left with him. I can't.

"Rach" Charlie looks at me

"It's okay" Charlie whispers

"I'm gonna be okay. I won't be in pain" he stands up and brings me into a hug

"I can't loose you though" I say

"You will never loose me" Charlie says a tear falling from his eyes.

"Rachel" Charlie says

"Rachel" Charlie says again shaking me

I come out of my day dream and I whip the tear that fell.

I look at Charlie and he gives me a questionable look. "Tell you later" I whisper.

Please can that day dream not happen.

"Okay I'm so happy to tell you this the chemo has worked and the cancer has gone" the doctor says smiling. My mouth forms a big smile.

I look at Charlie and I wrap my arms around him.

"Your gonna be okay" I whisper

"I can't believe this. It's gone" Charlie says tears falling from his eyes.

"It's gone" Charlie whispers bringing me into a hug.

"Thank you so much doctor" Charlie says giving him a hug.

"Thank you" I say and give him a hug too.

"Let's go" Charlie says as he grabs my hand

He jumps on my back for a piggy back. We both laugh and go to the others.

"I am cancer free" Charlie says from my back as the rest come into view. They all stand up and rush over to us and bring us all into a hug. I look at Brad and he has the biggest smile. I look at Zac and he has the biggest smile. I don't know what would have happened if this all turned out differently.

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