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Rachel's PoV

I have to phone Kirstie I have to. We are still haven't heard about Brad. I feel sick and we are all so worried.

"I'm gonna go phone Kirstie" I whisper to Nat and she nods

I walk outside and I sit on the bench.

I tap Kirstie's contact

"Hello" Kirstie's voice came through the phone.

"Hi" I say softly

"Rachel" Kirstie asks

"It's me" I say tears falling from my eyes.

"Why are you phoning" Kirstie asks

"It's Brad" I say

"What about Brad Rachel if your really gonna make up stories forget it" Kirstie says getting angry.

"No he's in hospital Kirstie is all my fault. All I did was try to protect him and now he is hurt" I say and I start crying

"Rach what do you mean" Kirstie says

"I only went back out with Alex because he said he would hurt Brad. Kirstie he has been hitting me and he said he would kill Brad and I could not let that happen. I knew what he was capable of. Me and Brad were fine and then. Alex came from America to make sure I don't see Brad and I hid Brad in the cupboard so Alex won't see but then he started hitting me making me put this photo on Instagram which I never wanted to do. Brad came out and Alex started hitting Brad and I couldn't get him off Brad and he won't  wake up. Brad won't wake up Kirstie what if he doesn't make it" I say crying

"Rach we are on our way okay. I'm so sorry" Kirstie says

"Why are you sorry this is all my fault. If I never spoke to Brad in the shops when I bumped into him. He won't be in the hospital" I say

"Maybe I should just disappear. That would make everyone happy right. Nobody needed me Kirstie nobody" I add

"Rachel don't you dare say that we need you and Brad needs you. He needed you more than ever right now" Kirstie says into the phone.

"I love you and I have missed hearing your voice. See you soon" i say and hang up.

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