Chapter 34-The Catacombs

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Dustin's P.O.V.

I knelt down on the ground. I moved away the dirt. Ella knelt down and helped move away the dirt. A door in the ground. It was locked. Ella took a bobby pin out of her hair and picked the lock.

"Where'd you learn that?" I whisper.

"How do you think I got back in my house at night?" She whispered.

I opened the doors. I let Ella go down first. When I stepped on to the first couple of stairs I closed the doors. I then continued down the stairs to accompany Ella. She was looking around for something. It was dark. I could barely see.

"What are you looking for?" I ask.

"A match or something. See the torches lining the wall? If we find a match or something to light it with, we can light one of the torches so we can see better." She answers.


I bend down and start feeling around for a match. I remember something that Brenden once told me. Our ancestors were smart. They always had something hidden. Nothing was left out in the open. They always tried to confuse their enemies.

Where would a match not be? I thought. I felt around the wall. I feel one brick is sticking out slightly. I pull at it, revealing a hidden drawer containing a box of matches. I take one and light it. I then light the torch. I put the match box back in the hidden drawer.

"How did you find that?" Ella asks.

"Werewolves like to keep things hidden." I say.

I start to lead the way down the long hallway. There were bones everywhere. It was creepy. The bones were from past werewolves in my pack who have died. My pack is a main link to the original werewolf pack. So most of the bones were from the original pack.

"Ah!" Ella yelled.

"What?" I ask.

"Something grabbed my ankle." She said.

I bend down by her. A skeleton hand was wrapped around her ankle. It was tight. I was finally, after pulling very hard, was able to remove the hand from her ankle.

"How did it grab my ankle?" Ella asks.

"I don't know. The only living things here are you and me." I say.

"You more or less." Ella says.

"Let's just continue. We need to be out of here be for sun rise." I say.

Ella's P.O.V.

I stayed close behind Dustin. I was skeptical about us being the only living things down here. Something made that skeleton hand grab my ankle. But what? I was afraid to find out.

We continued down the long hallway. When we reached the end all that was there was a door. It was large and old. It was locked with multiple locks. I got out my bobby pin and started to pick them. When I was done picking the locks I stopped and stared at something.

"What is it?" Dustin asked.

"There's two indents here. One is a small circular shape another is a pad with some sort of marking on it." I told him.

He held his hand a few inches from the padlock. The mark flashed. The mark appeared as a wolf mark. The pad lock opens.

"How'd you do that?" I ask.

"Mark of the werewolf. It only enables werewolves to open things with that mark. Now, what are we going to do about that indent?" Dustin explained.

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