Chapter 45-The Battle Begins

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I posted this without the required 5 votes and stuff. I thought because the story is ending I'll post this anyway. But this chapter needs the least of 5 votes for chaptwer 46. I really need these votes for the watty awards. So please help. Comment and Vote!!!~Writergirlsoccer


Dustin's P.O.V.

Ella's father glared at us. I remember Ella telling me that he can be cruel and merciless. He must not even care about anything Ella and I just said. I have a feeling I'm personally going to be attacked with his cruelty and be shown no mercy.

He and Ella's brother each grabbed one of her arms. She tried to get out. I took only a step towards them when a gun was pointed at me. The holder was her father.

"I shall give you three the kindness my daughter has by not killing you, just yet." He glared at me for the whole time. "Good-bye wretched flea bags." He and his son took to the sky. They held Ella's arms tightly, bringing her with them.

I growled as they left. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to be face to face with Brenden. His face was soft yet solemn.

"Is she really your mate?" He asks.

"Yes." I tell him.

"Then she will go on harmed." He states.

"You're really going to spare her?" I ask in disbelief.

"She has spared my life I shall do the same for her." He looks over at the battle. "Now we must go fight with our pack."

He morphs and runs into the battle. Logan and I ran to the weaponry and then headed into battle.

Ella's P.O.V.

As soon as we land on the hill my father glares at me. "How dare you." He said angrily.

"What? How dare I learn to love like no one else here?" I said angrily.

"How dare you betray your pack for a werewolf." He said in disgust.

"I didn't betray anyone. I didn't tell him where we were. I didn't let him attack a member of our pack. I didn't falsely accuse them of something they didn't do." I yelled.

He raised his hand to slap me. He stops himself. "You see what you nearly made me do?"

"Go a head, slap me. You've done it to Damien and other members if they disobey your orders and speak against you. I should be dying painfully right now." I yelled.

"I will not do that to you." He said.

"Why? What makes me so different then the others. Is it because I'm your daughter? I've seen you yell and once even slap Holly. She's your daughter too and you treat her like the rest of the pack." I yell. My voice softens. "What makes me so different?"

Damien shoots dad a nervous look. "You'll never understand." My father says.

"Apparently, to you, I don't understand a lot of things. But in reality, I know more than you." I say before I run down the hill.

I fight hard. With anger and frustration. I had my knife as my main weapon. I punched and kick (my kick was very effective because of the heels) if I had the chance. Blood was everywhere. Most of the vampires had bandannas over their noses so they wouldn't crave the blood. Both vampires and werewolves fell left and right.

It reminded me of everything I have learned over my hundreds of years of half life. That the vampires and werewolves were always at war. After today that war will be over. But because it's over doesn't mean their will be a winner. If any of each side lived, even just one, they will turn more mortals into their kind. This war will never end.

Dustin's P.O.V.

I had a sword and shield. I decapitated as many vampires as I could. Their healers came out to heal the ones who have lost arms or legs. Our healers were trying to heal as many of us as they could.

Logan was beside me with a spear. He stabbed vampires right in the heart. He was amazing. But something seemed to be holding him back. He was about to be stabbed with a sword. I pushed him out of the way and the swords clashed. In the end it was my sword who beat his.

Two vampires were now attacking Logan and me. One for each of us. We were back to back.

"Why are you distracted?" I asked. "Duck!" We both ducked and the vampire I was facing nearly sliced off our heads.

"Bella." He said. We slice off their heads.

"You need to focus." I said.

He nods his head and we run further into battle.

As I was fighting I kept looking for Ella. She was no where in sight. I was worried. Did they already kill her? Impossible. She's to highly skilled for them to kill her just yet. She has to be still attacking.

Hundreds on both sides have already died. In just hours there will be no more of either side. The moon has fully rose. Most werewolves have morphed into wolf form. The full moon gives us more power. That is why we chose this night to attack.

Ella's P.O.V.

I was protecting some of the healers in the center of the battle field. We needed them to get the warriors back up.

The werewolves power increased. How are they getting stronger?

The moon. The full moon gives them more strength. Just like the night you met Dustin. He and the rouges were very powerful because of the full moon. You and the other vampires gain power from the full moon as well. Explained the voice.

I look around. Our strength has increased as well. The battle was intensifying.

You were correct when you said that there shall be no one winner. The voice said. This war ends tonight.

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