Chapter 36-Books

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Ella's P.O.V.

The markings were crossing something it out. I traced my hand over it. I felt something sharp prick my finger. I pull my hand away. I look at my finger. It was turning a pure white.

Dustin goes to trace over the markings. "Stop." I say.

He looked at me strangely. He wasn't pricked by anything. "What?"

You will get hurt. He is protected from the dangers. He is immune to the incantation.

"Nothing." I say.

He gives me a concerned look. I look back at the markings. He traces his hand over it. He traces his finger against the deep makings. They start to disappear. Our eyes grow wide.

"How did I do that?" He asks.

"I don't know. Keep doing it." I said.

He traces his finger over the markings until they are all gone. Left in there place is a small indent. I remove my necklace and put it in the indent. It worked once maybe it'll work again. I thought. The ruby glowed. The desk started to part into two sides. In the place where the wood once was, was a box. We removed the box.

"Looks like we'll need a key." Dustin says.

I look around the room. My eyes lock on one spot. I then see the woman from the vision falling. A key was around her neck. I then see the girl in white take the key. She puts it in a book. The cover was replaced.

I grab my head. I walk over towards the nearest bookshelf. I lean against it. Dustin comes over to me.

"I'm alright." I reassure him.

"What was it?" He asks.

"There was a key around the dead woman's neck. The girl took it and put it in a book. She changed the cover of it. I wasn't able to see the new cover." I say.

"What was the cover of the old spine?" Dustin asks.

"Uh, 'The Curse of the Lupi Viri'." I say.

"The curse of the wolf men." Dustin repeats.

He starts looking around for the book. My stomach starts to growl. I feel my fangs extending. No. I have to stay in control. I can't drink his blood. He keeps searching for it. I slide down onto the floor. I shut my eyes tightly. I don't see him, I won't think about his blood.

"Found it." Dustin says. I feel the warmth from his, still hairy, body next to me. "You okay?"

"Craving blood." I say.

"Oh." He says softly. "I found the book. The new actual book title is 'How to Control New Abilities'."

"I know where that book is." I say.

I jump up and looked for the book. I find it and pull it out of the bookshelf. I open it up. I flip through the pages. I come across about ten pages stuck together. I pull out my pocket knife and cut the pages. In the page was an old, rusted key.

"I found it." I say as I turn to Dustin.

He had been reading the other book. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe. The hair on him disappeared and he was back to looking as he did before.

"How did you do that?" I ask as I sit next to him.

"It said it in this book. I think we should keep it. It says that both vampires and werewolves can gain many abilities. We might end up getting more. This will help us." He says.

"Good idea. Now let's open the box." I say.

I put the key in the key hole. I turn the key. I then open the box. Inside was an ancient looking book. I took it out.

"'The Adventures of M.A.' " I read the cover.

"Why is everything in those weird symbols?" Dustin asks no one in particular.

I open the book. I looked through the pages. Lupi viri, strigoi, and magus. Werewolf, vampire, and mage. No mermaids.

Then it hits me. "What's the Latin word for mermaid?" I ask Dustin.

"Siren." Dustin answered. "Why?"

"There's a book here called 'The Sirens'." I said.

I turned to the bookshelf. I found the book with the title 'The Sirens' on the spine. I pull it out. I hand Dustin 'The Adventures of M.A.'. I open the book in my hands. I turn to the page I was looking for.

"It says here that if a mermaid sings a song while asleep, it's body shall glow and they shall rise up into the air. After they have sung said song, they slowly float back down and have no memory of the previous events." I read aloud.

"But what was the song?" Asks Dustin.

"It looks mainly in Greek now. You finish it." I say as I hand him the book. Greek is not my best language.

Dustin's P.O.V.

"It says that the song a mermaid sings is a prophecy for the person who they had song it to. The song tells a part of there future." I read.

"So that told about our future?" Ella asks.

"That's what this book says."

Her stomach growls again. Her eyes are a dark red now. She's craving blood. My stomach growls too. I look at my watch. It was nine at night.

"We have an hour before everyone should be inside for bed." I tell Ella.

"Let's grab the books we need and start heading back." Ella says as she stands up.

She starts packing up the books. I help her out. When we are done we start heading back to the entrance. By the time we get to the entrance it was ten. I open up the doors and we head out. We lock the doors and sneak away from the house. When we are out of eye sight we take off.

We make a lot of good kills. We were too hungry to take any back. When we are done eating we walk back to the cave.

We hear a crack. Both of our ears turn towards the noise. I pull Ella close to me. Something's here. Something that's unwelcome.

We hear another crack. Whoever this guy is, he's terrible at making himself unnoticed. Laughed my wolf. He doesn't know when to act serious.

"Keep walking. Might be hunters, might not. If we keep walking then they'll leave us alone if they're mortals. If they're not then we'll be ready to run." I whisper to Ella.

She nods and we start walking. The cracks cease. I let out a breath. Suddenly Ella screams. I look at her. Nothing was wrong. Then I felt a great pain in my leg. I look at it. I was shot.

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