The Beginning of the End

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The only ones that cared are gone.


My new family doesn't care.


I used to be happy.

7th Wheel.

But now all I feel is pain.


Silence greets me as I wake.

'Another day, another let down.'

I sit up slowly trying to get my bearings. 'What a horrible nightmare. I wonder if anyone will notice if I skip breakfast?' I can't help but chuckle at the thought. No, they haven't cared in a long time.

Finally standing up I wander over to the bathroom that is connected to my room. Looking down at the counter I decide to forgo my usual beauty treatments. 'Not like it matters anyways.'

Sighing I wander to my dresser pulling out jeans and my signature jacket. Slipping them on, I decide to go to the secret training deck I discovered the other day, on the second floor of the castle.

Grabbing my bayard I start my trek to the opposite side of the castle.

Silence is a terrible thing, it allows you to think. My thoughts have already consumed my being, whispering jeering words in my ear.

'Why do you still try? Its not like they care.'

'Why did the blue lion choose you? You're just a worthless boy from Cuba trying to be somebody your not.'

'Why are you still alive? Why don't you do everyone a favor and kill yourself.'

I'm so immersed in my thoughts I didn't notice someone walking right towards me till I'm on the ground.

"Watch where you're going, fucking cargo pilot."

I look up at who I bumped into, coming face to face with a pissed Keith.

"I'm sorry... I didn't see you there."

"Yeah that much is obvious," he says with an eye roll.

I wince at the underlying meaning to his words. Slowly standing back up I keep my gaze fixated on the floor walk around him.

As I start my trek to the training room, I can't hide the wince from the searing pain that goes through my heart at his next words.

"God," he mumbled," why is he even apart of this team? Fucking worthless."

As I listen to him stalk down the hall  knees buckling from the weight of his words, I curl up in a ball on the floor tears cascading down my face.

My name is Lance McClain, and I am nothing.

[This is my first fanfic. I know it probably sucks. Suggestions are welcomed and wanted. I hope ya'll enjoy. If I get positive feedback I'll continue.]

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