Let it Begin

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Hey guys! Yes I am back. I apologize from my very very long absence but I lost the will and inspiration to write. I am sorry for that. I will do my best to update at least once a week from now on. Well here's your 1308 word piece of crap for the day. Also. 3.6k READS. WHAT. NO WAY. I love you guys so freaking much. Thanks for being so supportive and kind to me. Now enough with me and my blubbering, on with the story!!!! P.S Photoshop art done by the wonderfully fabulous Sleepy_tired_potato!!!!!!

Lance's P.O.V

Life with Lotor and his Generals has been great this past year. Better than great even. We have pack cuddles and we do family training. Yes, family training. I think of the Generals like a protective and possessive group of moms and Lotor is my mate of course.

I love it here. No one yells at me to shut up whenever I open my mouth or screams about how useless I am when I make a mistake in training. It's so different than what I was used to when I was with Voltron. But I wouldn't change it for a second. I don't ever want to go back there. Not that they need me anymore.

We were attacked by Voltron a few months back and I saw Blue flying around our ship attempting to blast us. It honestly hurt to see that they had easily replaced me. I don't know who they replaced me with but it seems like they are doing better now because I am gone.

My train of thought is broken by the arm around my waist tightening its hold. I roll over and look at my beloved's face. I sleepily kiss his nose gently and hear him sigh in contentment. The hold on waist loosens enough for me to carefully slip out of his embrace, trying not to wake him.

Today we are going to check out an uninhabited planet as a possible base for us and the Blade of Mamora.

We had been working with them for the past half year after Lotor revealed his true intentions concerning his father Zarkon. It took a while to fully gain their trust, however, now we all work together and are practically family.

It's weird. The Blades all treat me similarly to that of the Generals. They are all extremely protective of me and like to cuddle. Even Kolivan will cuddle with us if we are lounging in the family nest when visiting the Blade. It must be because I am an Omega, all the pheromones I give off must scream to all the Alphas and Betas on board, 'Protect!' and 'Hold!'.

Not that I mind the attention. After my stay with my ex team I was touched starved. They would all have bonding time and 'accidentally' leave me out. They never told me when they would have movie night or when they decided to go stop by at a Space Mall for the day. I thought it was normal. They obviously didn't want me with them and anytime I showed up to one of the bonding times or to any of our shared meals I was either ignored or told to drop off the face of the universe.

But I deserved it. Or at least I think I did? Lotor tells me otherwise. He tells me they were abusing me, but is it abuse if you deserve it?

I was always so useless. I was annoying and dragged the team down. Why shouldn't I be punished for that?

Despite what I believe I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with my mate and my ever growing family.

I sigh and finish getting ready and head towards the control room. When I arrive I see only Ezor and Axca lounging in the pilots chairs. Ezor is animatedly talking to Axca and Axca is listening with a small smile on her face, nodding every now and then to show she is listening.

When they notice me they both yell, "Lance!" And before I could blink I had an arm full of Generals, both nuzzling into my scent glands trying to coat me in their scents.

I blink rapidly and then relax into their hold, purring lightly from the attention. This continues until I get a strange feeling in the back of my mind. Almost like an unscratchable itch. I freeze at the feeling as it becomes more and more uncomfortable. They Generals pull back noticing my distress.

"Lance?" I distantly hear someone call as my mind gets fuzzier as the feeling becomes painful.

They sounds start blending together and my vision is blurred but I can't move. It feels as if my feet are glued to the floor.

I hear more frantic sounding voices in the background and feel hands touching and pulling me.

I can't tell what is what anymore, the pain in my head is now excruciating. I hear someone scream and find that it is myself. My knees buckle and I curl into fetal position on the floor, cradling my head between my arms in attempt to stifle the pain.

I feel more hands on me and just when I feel like I am going to pass out I feel a shock of electricity run through my head. I jolt at the feeling and then relax as the pain subsides. But a presence still remains in my head. It feels cold and powerful, like it is demanding my attention and to be seen.

I slowly pry my eyes open after what seems like hours and find that I am still in the control room and am surround by a group of extremely worried generals. I look up to see Lotor is he one holding me, I can feel his heart beating erratically as he breathes out harshly when he sees that I am okay. He pulls me tightly to his chest and nuzzles my neck, letting out a shaky breath.

"What happened?" I say roughly, probably from all my screaming. Lotor looks at me in mild horror.

"You mean you don't know?" he asks me worriedly.

"All I remember is feeling excruciating pain in my mind and now there's a dominating presence in the back of it."

After I finish this I all of a sudden have an out of body experience. I distantly hear a roar and immediately shootout of Lotor's arms and race to the front window of the Control room. I listen to what the unknown presence seems to be telling me. I distantly hear my family approach from behind but that's not my current concern. I rush over to the pilot chair and take the ship of autopilot. Behind me I hear indignant yells of protest at this but I lift a hand to silence them. I begin to steer the ship in the direction the feeling is taking me.

The closer we get to the destination the stronger the feeling gets and the more prominent it is. It begins to take shape in my head until it's a fuzzy figure, almost like an animal. When the presence goes silent I look up to find that it has taken us to a cave of sorts. I land the ship as quickly and carefully as I can and immediately dash out of the pilot chair; making a run for the hanger.

When I finally get outside the ship and slowly walk into the cave, not caring if anyone follows me. As I get further into the cave the more at home I feel. The more I feel like this is where I belong. I see some markings on the wall, similar to the ones I saw when I first found the Blue Lion. I touch one of the ruins in awe and immediately the light up in a flash of white.

"It's a White Lion..." I murmur out in shock.

I hear a roar come from a little deeper in the cave. I take off running in the direction of the roar and arrive in a wide clearing in the cave. In the middle is a giant White Lion with its particle barrier up. I stumble over and look up at the magnificent beauty. I place my hand on the particle barrier reverently in hopes of conveying my thoughts the lioness.

Then, the barrier falls.

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