I'm What Now???????

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I felt bad for not updating for such long periods of time.... Life is hard. Welp this will be short but good? Maybe... Prob not. Whatevs on with the story!

(I will be switching between Voltron, Lotor, and Lance's pov. after this. Pray for me....)


You know the feeling after you get hit by a car? Yeah that's what I feel at this current juncture.

"Wha-" I was suddenly cut off by a harsh coughing fit. I tried to speak again but just ended coughing after every attempt. My lungs felt like they were on fire, and my ears ached.

'Strange. I don't recall getting hit in my ears.'

I reach up to put pressure on them to ease the dull ache and touched something that was not my ear. 'What the hell......' I frantically start looking around the room for a mirror. I look around and find that I am residing in a very luxurious and plush room. I am currently resting on a king sized cloud of cushion, and there is a fire place with a sitting area and coffee table to my right. I look left and find a night stand and two doors. 'I hope ones a bathroom...'

I vault out of the bed, throwing off the covers and clumsily trip towards the doors. I manage to find the bathroom on the first try and run towards the mirror located slightly deeper into the bathroom. I come to a stop in front of the mirror and freeze at the sight presented to me.

'Oh my crow.'

Gone is my once brown hair and is now replaced with a lush white that curls at the ends. Blue crescents rest under each of my now neon blue eyes with a pinkish pupil. My ears are now pointed like Allura's and Coran's. I look at the rest of me getting paler and dizzier the more I look. I realize I am not wearing a shirt as I look at the rest of my body. There are markings on my arms neck and chest, I spin around to see more on my back. Then it hits me. I'm Altean now. (Appearance is picture above)

Just as my dizzying thoughts started to consume me I see Prince Lotor burst into the bathroom looking frantic. When he sees me relief floods his features then shock. He slowly looks me up and down giving a little smirk. I blush and shiver at the predatory look that crosses his face.

"Well," he drawls melodiously, 'God why does his voice have to be as sexy as the rest of him.' " it would seem as my beautiful mate has awakened. Let me introduce myself, my name is Lotor, Prince of the Galran Empire and heir to the throne. And you are Lance McClain, Paladin of the Blue Lion and my betrothed."

At his last sentence I finally lose the battle and fall into a dead faint, unable to handle the stress and shock.

Well its short but I already posted a chapter today and I wanna go to sleep cause ive got ENGL 1302 in the morning. Again thanks for the continued support guys If you have an suggestions for this story or others, feel free to message me or leave a comment down below, (Btw I am a sucker for comments, they give me the drive to continue.) Welp that's all I have to say. Goodnight!

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