New Discoveries and Cuddles Galore

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Heeeelllloooooooooo people of Wattpad! Dude 1.5k. What the fuck??? Also, I just got a request for someone to translate this into Polish. Again what??? Yes please do, also if any of you want to translate to different languages, go right ahead! Just let me know and give credit to the author!  Also,


is willing to do a piece of fan-art for this fic. WHAT. Guys, if you want to do fan-art for this fic, please do. My email is in my bio. Just email your work and I will totally try to feature you!!! Thanks so much for the continued love and support, you guys are like my official new fam. Also if I started a new fic on top of this one would you read it? I am dying to try out the shipping. (I've never seen it and I am curious its Lotor x Axca x Lance , with heart break from Shklance. No dis to shklance, I love that ship, but I need more lotor x lance fics out there)

Enough of my rambling. On with the story!

3rd Person P.O.V

"An Omega, he is a quiznacking Omega."

Its the next day and Lotor can't stop pacing in his office.

"How did he become an Omega?! They are so rare, rarer than my breed," he mumbles to himself.

"Great. And now I am talking to myself."

"What's wrong love?"

Lotor's head whipped around to see Lance leaning on the door frame.

"Oh, I didn't hear you come in, come in. How did you sleep? I tried to be quiet leaving this morning as to not wake you. I know you had a rough night in the beginning."

"Oh that....." there was a long pause as Lance kept his gaze on the floor, "I am sorry if I kept you awake, it was not my inte-"

Lance was cut off with a growl from Lotor, "I will have none of that! Your, how do you earthians put it? Fucking bitch of a team abused you to the point of traumatizing; you had such a bad nightmare last night that it took me forever to calm you down. And then, and then I discovered something about your new Altean  biology."

Lance titled his head to the side cutely, his newly pointed ears fluttering curiously,

"What do you mean? Is there something wrong with me?"

Lotor turned bright purple at Lance's innocent display of curiosity. He cleared his throat,

"No not at all. You are -how should I put this - a rare breed of Altean."

"Oh," Lance said, eyes alight with excitement and interest, "and what would that breed be?"

"Your an Omega..."

"I'm a what now?"

"You are an Omega, on of the most prized and cherished type of Alteans. They are the child bearers, the healers, the ones who calm down all others, and they are deadly strong and fast. And this is only some of their traits. You are the jack-of-all-trades.... a diamond in the rough."

Lance looked startled and shocked by that statement. He suddenly went very pale and started swaying.

"Lotor," he whispered brokenly, " I don't feel so good."

After he said those words Lotor lunged to grab him, as his knees buckled under him and he fell.

Lotor's P.O.V

'Quiznack I knew I should have broken it to him softer......'

I wrapped my arms around him before he could hit the ground.

Just as I get my arms around him the Generals burst in.

"Prince Lotor! Is everything okay?" Axca asks panting, pupils blown wide staring at the two figures on the floor.

Lotor looks up from Lance at his Generals and sees something shocking. All of them have their weapons out and their pupils are dilated.

'Wha- Oh, they must have smelt Lance. Another perk of being an Omega. They have scent glands that give off a distinct scent when distressed or scared. '

"At ease Generals, I just informed Lance of some shocking discoveries I made pertaining to his new Altean biology."

Zethrid pipes up after I am finished speaking,

"But my Prince! Why did we feel the urge to come in here and-and protect? There was a intense scent coming from this room. We thought it might be you"

Axca, Ezor and even Narti were curious, her cat Kova, wide eyed and alert on her shoulders. It was then that Lance decided to sigh and chirp in his sleep, turning over in my arms to cuddle closer to his chest, purring happily when he was closer to the source of warmth.

I couldn't help but flush and card my fingers through is hair fondly. I look up at my Generals to see them shocked, fingers twitching, as if they want to hold him as well.

'Well that's only natural, he did imprint on them and they on him.'

"He is an Altean Omega," the Generals gasped in shock taking a step closer, "will you all prepare a pack nest in the lounge? All the pillows and blankets you can find. Since we are all Alpha's your instincts are telling you to protect Lance and to hold him. Having a cuddle pile will soothe these urges and help Lance relax more."

All the Generals scrambled to do what Lotor had asked, eager to cuddle with their newly discovered Omega packmate.

I chuckled fondly at their antics, looking down at Lance who is still purring with a sleepy smile on his face. I quietly stand up, careful not to jostle the sleeping beauty in my arms, his now long white hair swished at the movement moving to rest on his face. His hair must have tickled his nose because not a moment later, Lance sneezed cutely and cuddled closer to my chest.

'Zarkon kill me, for what have I done to be this blessed?'

When we arrive in the lounge I see that the Generals have just finished the nest and are all laying inside in comfortable clothing. I look down at Lance and myself and see that I have forgotten to change out of my sleep wear in my panicked state. I see that Lance is also wearing his sleep clothes. I begin to stride over to the nest after completing my assessment carefully plopping down into its plush warmth. Soon everyone is cuddled together in a purring mess and mixed scents of contentment

Then Lance does the cutest thing that officially dooms us all. He chirps and croons softly, grabbing onto everyone(by some miracle) and cuddles into them all, purring in content once he has gotten what he desired, falling back into a peaceful sleep, with a smile on his cute freckled face.

"We must protect this sunshine child."


Wellllllll there ya go. 1,081 words. Holy crap that took a lot out of me. I hope you all enjoy! Love you all so freaking much! (Read top if u skipped of it to read the story pl, its important.)

Also by the way, I am not planning these chapters. I am totally winging it when writing. I just kinda go and read last chapter I wrote and am like okay here we go. Just thought you all should know.

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