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Lance's P.O.V

I feel the world around me jostle. I try to peel my eyelids open but they won't budge. Everything is muffled, it sounds like I am underwater. Am I breathing? I can't tell. Maybe I am drowning. Where is Lotor? I don't want this to be like last time. I can't lose him again.

Someone is carrying me. They are warm. It feels nice; I try to curl into the warmth they are giving off. Suddenly I feel myself being laid on something soft and unfamiliar hands ghost over my figure. I can feel myself fading again, and cannot help but to once again allow myself be wrapped in the sweet embrace of black.


Unknown P.O.V

I sit quietly on the other side of the small room, watching our guests chest slowly rise and fall, as he rests in a induced deep sleep. He will make a fine warrior. He will better this organization and truly abolish the Galra empire for good and bring peace to the Universe.

I pray that him aligning himself with our cause, will also gain us the advantage of having Lotor join our ranks, along with his generals.

We had no choice but to drug him at the time. Our original plan was to hopefully run into him and be very formal about our approach. But then Voltron arrived and we had to improvise.

Sighing thoughtfully, he shifts in his seat. Voltron is full of gallivanting kits who have no idea what they are doing. They either do not know or they do not care what this war truly is about and what ending it could entail. Voltron is supposed to be the symbol of peace, and they are sullying its good name.

Thank Alfor that the white lion finally chose a paladin for the first time in a millennia, since Rafel passed.

I stand up from my spot in the corner, and cautiously make my way over to the his resting figure. He twitches and whines in his sleep, grimacing in what could be fear or pain. I carefully card my claws through his soft locks, hoping to calm him. Thankfully he relaxes and starts purring.

Something stirred in my at that pur, and strong protective instincts immediately took hold of me. I knew then that I would have to protect this boy no matter what, and I believe the rest of my crew would agree.

After all, the Blade of Marmora protect our own.

Third Person P.O.V

Kolivan looks up startled out of his thoughts when Lance gives a sharp gasp sitting straight up.

Backing up a few steps he stares carefully at Lance, as he groggily takes in the room around him.

Lance suddenly meets Kolivans eyes, but doesn't feel afraid; he feels a fatherly warmth from the figure near him and can't stop the questioning chirp that leaves him when Kolivan turns to walk away.

Kolivan immediately whips back to Lance with wide eyes, curious about the entire situation.

Then, Lance opens his mouth for the first time in decaphoebs and in a rough voice says, "Who are you and where am I?"

Kolivan takes a cautious step forward and answers carefully, "I am Kolivan and you are on the base of the Blade of Marmora."

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