Can you just back the fuck up?

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Oh god, please don't do a dramatic entrance, please please pleeeeaseee-

*They all jump out of a moving spaceship without jet packs and create a giant crater from their landing (they landed on their feet, cause cats always land on their feet)*

"Well fuck," oh god please don't do the thin-


Shit. He said my fucking name. I LITERALLY GAVE HIM ONE JOB. ONE. FUCKING. JOB.

I turn away from my ex teammates and smile at my family. They freeze in the sprint towards me when they see my face. Good. They better be shitting themselves cause I am gonna kill them later. They start sweating rapidly as they start shuffling towards me slowly.

"We'll talk about this later." I mutter coldly. They whimper quietly, looking away ashamed.

I sigh tiredly and turn back towards my old team, to see them gaping.

Hunk looks hopeful. Shiro looks disappointed. Allure is shocked. Coran is passive. Keith is livid. Pidge seems confused.


I turn towards Pidge passively, waiting for hell to inevitably  to break loose. And it does.

I suddenly find myself not able to breath. Keith grabbed a hold of my neck and lifted me straight in the air. I look down at him calmly to see his Galra features showing. I dangle there for a second longer, before Lotor attacks.

"Whomst the fuck do you think you are to manhandle my mate?" I hear Lotor growl lowly at Keith. Keith growls back dangerously, squeezing my neck tighter. That's gonna leave a mark.

Lotor runs straight at Keith, tackling him to the floor effortlessly. Keith starts thrashing violently, cursing the whole time.

I can hear Shiro's arm starting to charge up, and new that this was about to be a battle. And it was; everyone was fighting someone. Keith and Lotor. Axca and Pidge. Ezor and Allura. Zethrid and Hunk. Narti and Shiro.Just when I am about to shout at my team that we return to the ship, I feel something prick at my neck. I immediately jump from the source but it's too late.

Slowly I feel the drug start to take affect, and White is losing it in my head. My family is all distracted by the paladins, that means... Coran.

I stumble to the side and see Coran standing there guiltily with a syringe in his hand.

"L-Lo-Tor," I stutter out weakly feeling myself start to fall.

I see his head whip towards me, my vision to blurry to make out his expression. He starts shouting, but I can barely hear my own thoughts. I feel myself being pulled into unfamiliar arms and carried away from my mate. My family.

As a last resort I call out to White, but know that something is wrong, and that she cannot get to me. I start to cry at the realization that I am gonna lose everything. Again. I start to struggle against the arms wrapped around me, but am too weak from the drug they gave me. And slowly, I succumb to the darkness. Then nothing.

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