Into the Fire

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Literally everything went to shit.

Our Intel had informed us that it was not a heavily guarded base. Well boy were they wrong. The place was crawling with armed soldiers and generals.

Despite this Allura still pushed the plan. Shiro starts giving out orders as soon as Allura gives her consent.

"Alright team here's the plan. Me and Keith will go ahead and clear a path while Hunk and Pidge make a run for the main control center. Lance, I want you to stay behind and give cover fire. Lets keep the chatter to a minimum."

He stared at me as he said that last part.

A chorus of 'yes sirs' from everyone, and we are moving. I get into position, getting into a secluded area where I can snipe down soldiers without being seen.

'I got a bad feeling about this. Not like anyone will listen anyways.'

I sigh and pull out my bayard, pointing it at the entrance to the hall. Then I wait.

I didn't wait long sadly. As soon as the alarm started ringing, soldiers flooded the hall.

'Guess they made it to the control center.'

I start taking out the droids one by one, not letting a single one get by. It was going pretty good, until I felt white hot pain radiate from my lower back.

I gasp as the pain from the gun shot radiates through my entire being.

'Shit! How did he get behind me???'

I painfully wrench myself up and spin, coming face to face with a general. All the blood rushes from my face,

'Crap crap crap, I can't beat him!!!'

He smiles at me, showing off his sharp teeth,

"Hello paladin, lets have some fun, shall we?"

He lunges at me and I barely have time to dodge. My wound causing me to move sluggishly. Suddenly he's got me cornered. Fear radiates throughout my entire being.

His smile widens at the sight of my terror,

"I'm gonna enjoy this," he says before pulling out a sword.

I really do try to block and dodge the best I could but all I have is a gun. Before long I'm covered in gashes and bruises. I lose my footing and stumble and realize I just made a fatal mistake.

After that thought there is a sword going through my abdomen. Falling to my knees I start coughing up blood. The general pulls the sword from me, causing me to fall to my side, then leaves.

'He probably thinks I'll bleed to death.'

I push myself up to sit, and fall against the wall. I weakly lift my hand up and push the button on the side of my helmet for the coms, and am immediately bombarded with cheers of excitement.

"That was so easy!" Pidge says.

"Yeah," Keith inputs, "even more so without all Lances comments."

I wince at that statement.

"Speaking of Lance where is he?"

Ah Hunk, at least you care. I decide that I'll ask for help now.

"Guys," I croak, trying not to cough up more blood, "I need help."

"Oh what the fuck did you get yourself into this time idiot? Did you flirt with an alien and get distracted and she tied you to a tree?"

"No that's no-"

Shiro cuts me off with a sigh.

"Lance you need to take this more seriously, we will talk more when we get back to the castle."

"But really I nee-"

Allura is the one that cuts me off this time.

"ENOUGH LANCE! Just get back to the castle now. We will be talking about this."

Before I can argue more they mute me on the coms, so I just turn them off.

'Well, I guess this is the end. I can't move so I'll either bleed out or get found by the Galra.'

I'm gonna die alone. Nobody cares, I'll be forgotten and replaced.

'It's probably best if I died.'

It starts getting cold the more I bleed out. I feel my vision getting cloudy.

Suddenly I hear someone sprinting towards me shouting.

'That doesn't sound like my team.'

I look up to see Lotor kneeling in front of me, grabbing onto me and begging me not to pass out.

The last thing I think before I pass out is,

'Wow, he's really pretty.'

Then nothing. 

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