Shit Hits the Fan at Turbo Speed

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Heyyyyy guys sorry for the wait. Ummm here you go? Also this story is now on Archive of Our Own as well and seems to be doing good. Except someone said they were confused and didn't understand. Is this story confusing???????????????? If so I am so sorry. I can go back and fix things just you guys have to tell me.......

~Time skip~

Shiro's P.O.V

It has been quiet here on the castle ship ever since Lance disappeared. We don't exactly know what happened or when he left but at first everyone was relieved. It was quieter without all his 'jokes' and loud voice. But after a while, the silence began to get to everyone.

Hunk stress baked in the kitchen and muttered to himself, having no one to talk to anymore. His anxiety was through the roof too, without Lance there to encourage and calm him down.

Coran cleaned more, telling old Altean tales to the healing pods or the cleaning supplies. Lance use to listen to him tell stories about Altea and help him clean, so now he preaches to an empty room waiting for a reply.

Allura rarely leaves the Control Room. She is constantly on the lookout for Galra and making new battle strategies. Lance usually pulled her away for a reluctant spa day, that usually ended with her yelling at him for being so annoying. She tried not to show how much Lance's absence was affecting her. The bags under her eyes were the only sign of her struggle day to day.

Keith snapped more since he lost his verbal punching bag. He yelled at everyone; hurling insults like they are going out of style. He also spends most his time in the training room, since Lance isn't there to pull him away anymore. At first Keith seemed the happiest about Lance's disappearance but even Keith was beginning to become effected by the silence.

Pidge almost never slept; always up late trying to find her dad, and occasionally Lance. She only left her room for food and then she holed herself back in there. Matt was the only one who saw her anymore.

Another thing, after Pidge found Matt, it was decided that he would be the new Blue Paladin. Blue accepted him immediately, which added salt to the wound that Lance could be more than gone, he could be dead.

Along with Lance being gone, there is a rebel force going around and liberating planets and taking care of distress beacons before we can even get in the same quadrant. Every planet we go says they are a team but separate. So they are a team, but separate? I don't know. The White Warrior and another rebel force come swoop in and save the day before you can say, "Form Voltron!"

Allura is on the verge of exploding, going on tangents about how Voltron is the symbol of peace for everyone around the galaxy, and because we haven't been able to do anything but small infiltration missions, she says its gonna ruin our 'reputation.'

I am broken from my train of thoughts when the alarms sound. Allura's voice comes in over the coms,

"EVERYONE TO YOUR LIONS. We will NOT lose this one to those QUIZNACKING rebel forces!" She spat out viciously, obviously livid about our recent predicaments.

As I run down the hall towards Black, I look out the window and time seems to slow.

Besides me a White Lion glides by the castle ship as if it were born too. It is twice the size of Black, and radiates power and dominance. My eyes widen as time seems to go back to normal, and it turns into a blur of white light.


Lance P.O.V

I love my fucking life.

No seriously I do. I wasn't being sarcastic or some shit like that. I am being dead serious. I love my life so much. White is like the mother I never had, which I didn't but that's a story for another time. The Generals are all like overprotective older siblings. The Blade of Marmora is too, but just more of them. And Lotor, god my mate is amazing. I have no idea what I did in my past life to deserve him, but lemme just tell you I pat my past self on the back every day saying good job for whatever they did.

It's been 2 years since I left my team and I couldn't be happier. Sure I have my moments and my nightmares haven't gone away, but my family takes care of me.

When I found White is when I really felt whole again. She filled the void that had plagued me even when I had a bond with Blue. She was like a mother to me, well at least that's what I think.

White interrupts my next train of thought,

"My cub, there is a distress beacon and Lotor wants you to go down and take a look."

'Got it. Be there in a sec.'

I stand in front of the mirror looking at how much I have changed over the past couple years.

I have kept my slender lithe form due to my training and, of course, my status as an Omega. My hair is a little longer and I keep it on small ponytails that remind me of King Alfor, who I saw a picture of when exploring the castle.

I trace have a scar going over the whole right side of my face, starting on my eyebrow traveling down to the corner of my mouth. Also, the Altean markings I have now that I am, well Altean, have grown since I gotten them! Lotor says that as my character grows and my strength so will my markings. Also they change color based off my mood, which makes Lotor laugh because when I am angry my body glows red like a Deltorian Bolpid. Whatever the fuck that is.

Anyways I gotta get to White.

I run down the hall and skid into White's hanger. I hear her chiding me in her head complaining about me getting caught up with my looks again. I snort at her whining and ease her out of the Hanger and too Ylamru, the planet that sent out the distress beacon.

I urge White to go faster when I see a ship in front of us.

"Shit," I curse out nervously, " That's the quiznacking castle ship."

I zoom past it as fast as possible thinking to myself.


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