Fuck the Universe

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Yeah sooo surprise? Umm yeah so imma just finish the story at this pace and just not ever do it again cause I just want to keep it the way I did sooooooooo ~bye~

Lance's P.O.V

"Shit. Fucking Shit. They just HAD to come to the same distress signal!!! I don't want to deal with their bullshit." I yell out while angrily ripping White into a sharp nosedive into the planet's atmosphere.

"My cub," White purred out, " they do not know that it is you who pilots me. You do not look the same as you once did. You are a pure blood Altean, you would be considered royal back on Altea. They will not recognize this new you. Just make sure you inform your team what they need to call you."

"Oh my god. White thank you and your beautiful self for coming to my rescue! I have no idea what I would do without your common sense."

"Probably die."

I can hear her roaring in laughter inside my head and sigh. (See what I did there?? No... okay I'll just go home...)

"Gee thanks White. Happy to see where I stand in this relationship."

As we clear the Polraliki's atmosphere I immediately see the reason for the distress beacon. The place was crawling with Galra.

I swear mentally as fighter ships catch sight of me and start to attack.

I swerve White to the right as a laser shoots past me.

'I am gonna die.'

"Cub, Voltron is coming up behind."

"Great. Just great. Just what I FUCKING NEEDED. Universe-sama, I have no fucking clue what I did to deserve this but can I just have a little good. A LITTLE. LIKE COME. ON."

I continue to swear as I hit the communication and patch myself into the Blade, Lotor, and the Generals.

"Hey guys, don't respond just listen and put the plan into play. The Altean Castle Ship is here, and Voltron has begun to engage in combat with the fighter jets. I do not plan on revealing my identity anytime soon to my old team. Please refrain from calling me Lance and call me Lukele. Also, since Voltron has arrived you guys should come in. Once the battle is over, they are going to want to meet."

I heard a series of 'Yes sirs' and I turned on a private channel with Lotor.

"Are you gonna be okay love?" Lotor asks worriedly.

I sigh sadly, "Probably not, but meeting is inevitable. I am going to just have to suck it up."

"I am here for you though," he says encouragingly, "and I am here to stay."

"Thanks babe, I love you so much. I gotta get to the planet's surface. The Polralikians are probably freaking out."

"I understand, go kick the Galra's asses hun!"

I hear the line cut and carefully land White on the ground. I grab my bayard and it turns into glaive. (Looks like picture above)

Yes a glaive. A lot has changed. My bayard has several forms. I have unlocked the sniper riffle, dual pistols, the glaive, the broad sword, the dagger, and tons more.

I run out into the chaos and start wreaking havoc on the stupid Galra's asses. 'I hate the fucking empire and there parasitic need to take over ever planet in the entire fucking universe.'

'The reason I am even in this mess is because of the universe. You know what? Fuck the universe.'

~Cue time skip cause I am shit at battle scenes~

(This next part was partially written by Starluv. Thanks so much!<3)

Third Person P.O.V

Voltron stands there, paralyzed and gawking.

Before them stood a tall lanky figure, his back to them. The mysterious person stand has armor similar to team Voltron's except in negative colors. The team could clearly see the persons physique was very fit and muscular. He slowly turned until he was fully facing them. He gently took off his helmet, releasing strands of seemingly glowing white hair.

The paladins were stupefied at the warriors beauty while Allura, on the other hand, stared at the stranger with glossy eyes and a hand covering her mouth in attempt to muffle her gasp. She recognized the Altean markings under his eyelashes, frantically thinking she could be hallucinating due to her previous sleepless night from working the castle's controls, once again.

The paladins were then drawn to his eyes.

A whirlpool of aquatic blues and electricity were dancing around each other. A splash of turquoise could be seen within the beautiful spheres of the ocean. In the middle of the stormy hue little pink pupils could be seen, practically hypnotizing the paladins.

There was a scar covering the right side of his face. However, it only seemed to add more character and mystery to the individual, making him all the more beautiful.

But they were all soon snapped out of their gawking session when the mysterious figure deep melodious voice said,

"What fuck are you guys doing here?"

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