Wait.... WHAT

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Hi everyone... like my last post said its been pretty rough... I would have updated earlier but my dad go annoyed with me and got a little physical and said some nasty crap to me. I had such a bad panic attack i couldn't type properly cause i was shaking so bad. Again I can't tell you guys how sorry I am for not updating. Please forgive me.

(BTW I will be incorporating season 5 details in this story starting now. )

(also there is a bit of time skip)


Lance 's P.O.V

Life is so different with Lotor and his generals. I am never alone, and no one yells at me or calls me names. It's weird. My team always reminded me of how much of a burden I was and how I was too stupid to have input on mission strategies and what not. No one would spar with me either, they always just told me I was too weak and they needed to get better so they had to go against someone 'more their level'. I started training at night to get good enough to train with the team. It never happened.

But its not like that here... I'm loved? And dare I say, appreciated? No one yells or hits me here. Everyone asks my opinion on things they are doing and planning. I have also sparred with all the generals, even Lotor! He says I handle a gun impressively. He wants me to become his officially sniper. I was ecstatic when he first asked. I immediately jumped in his arms crying chanting 'yes' over and over again.

I still don't understand what he sees in me... I don't think I ever will. There are so many better options. I feel as if I have stolen a perfect mate from this universe and robbed someone more privileged than I of their soulmate.

~time skip~

Lotor's P.O.V

My eyes flutter open.

Groggily my eyes wander around my room.

'What woke me?' I question myself.

It's then that I hear a muffled whimper to my left. My head whips around to see my beloved Lance in fetal position, tears streaming down his face. I quickly reach out to touch him and realize he is shaking like a leaf.

'He is having a nightmare!'

At that thought, all traces of sleep leave me. I gently scoop Lance into my arms and cradle him to my chest. He relaxes into me but does not stop crying or whimpering.

"I-I'm so-sorry...... please....... don't h-hurt me any mo-more." he cries out in his sleep.

My heart broke at this. I pull him closer to me and begin to rumble and croon into his ears in hopes of possible soothing him.

A few minutes he is a purring mess in my arms, completely calm and peaceful.

'Wait a dobosh, he's-he's purring???????'

But only a select few Alteans can do that, unless.

'Holy Quiznack. No way. He's a-a Omega?????'

Sorry for the cliffhanger guys. Thought I'd give the suspenseful cliffhanger a try. Also, I gotta ask. Why does this shit story have 1.3k reads? Like don't y'all got better stuff to read??? Anyway thank you guys so much for the continued support and encouragement! I truly don't deserve any of you......

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