Chapter Two - { You Can't }

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If there's any mistakes please tell me. Thank you ☺️💕 Enjoy!

And let's continue...


Your POV

"Y-you w-what?" You said

You couldn't believe it. He looked down at you resting against his shoulder with a shocked face. He went to hug to you, but you moved away from him and pushed him away from you.

"(Y/N)..." He said with a sad expression on his face.

"NO! You can't do this! What if you don't come back huh?!" You yelled at him standing up and walking away. He stood up to go after you, but you stopped when you heard Keith talk.

"Man, you can't leave..." Keith said from behind him

"I have to! There's no one else that can go in my place! Now I don't want to leave either but there's no other way..." He explained to both of you. "I will come back, nothing's going to happen to me, I'll make sure of it...please..." He said walking towards you. You felt his hand rest on your shoulder. You turned around to face him, his face turned from sad to concerned while he looked at you.

"Oh (Y/N)...please don't cry..." He said reaching his hand up to your face and wiping the tears away with his thumb. You hadn't even noticed that you were crying until he said that.

"What are we going to do without you here!? I can't do this by myself! You're my best-friend and you've always been there for me and now your leaving!" You yelled pulling your face away from his hand and ran towards the roof doors, yanking them open and running down the stairs to your dorm room.

Shiro's POV

I was about to run after her when I remembered Keith was with us to. I whipped my head around to see him looking off to where (Y/N) had gone. He then looked at me.

"When do you leave?" He said calmly

"In 2 days..." I said looking down. Keith sat at the edge of the building again and I sat down beside him and placed my hand on his back.

"I know I shouldn't leave you guys and I'm sorry, I don't want to but it's not my choice" I said quietly

"I know that Shiro, you don't have to explain it to me...Just try and talk to (Y/N) okay? You've known her longer than I have but I know she's sensitive deep down even if she doesn't like to show it" Keith said quietly looking up at the stars.

"I'll come back. I promise." I said patting his back. He gave me a small smile and stood up.

"It's getting close to lights out. I'm going to head back the room. See you later" He said as he walked away.

"I'll head inside in a bit, see you later" I called out. I looked up at the stars and watched them shine above me as I wondered what I was going to do. 'She's going to be mad at me until I leave but I can't leave without saying goodbye' I thought.

"What am I going to do with you
(Y/N)...?" I spoke out loud shaking my head. Soon it started to get even colder than it was before, so I headed back inside before I froze. I walked down the hallway and stopped at my bedroom door.

"All cadets please head back to your rooms this is the last call before lights out"

After hearing the announcement, I looked down slightly frowning, thinking whether or not I should risk going to see (Y/N). 'Agh fuck it' I turned around and started walking towards where her room was.

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