Chapter Nine - { Green and Yellow }

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Hey guys! So this chapter will contain POV changes! You'll find out of who when you read, but I just thought that this would make it easier for me to write this chapter by doing it this way. If there's any mistakes in spelling or a sentence that needs correcting please tell me! Sometimes I can write things that don't make sense so if it needs fixing, tell me and I'll fix it!! BUT oh boy is this going to be long! Lol ENJOY!!!

And so it continues....


Your POV

"(Y-y/N)? Sister is it really you?" She said quietly. You stared at her blankly.

"W-what'd you just call me?" You asked like you miss heard her.

"Is it really you?" She repeated gently grabbing your face.

"I-I don't know you...I don't have any siblings....wait a parents...." You glanced over at Keith and Shiro. They were looking at you with shock written all over their faces. Allura looked exactly like you did when you had long hair. You were a spitting image of her. The more you thought about it, the clearer it became. You couldn't believe it, you really couldn't, but here you were supposedly standing in front of your "sister".

"Y-your my...this can't be's not said 10,000" You started to hyperventilate, this was too much. Everything that happened with the scan and now this. You couldn't handle it. You placed a hand over your chest as you began to crumble to the ground. Shiro's eyes widened as he watched you crumble to the floor, he then came back to reality and rushed over to you, he was ready to help you, he's done this many times before but Allura didn't let you go, she stayed calm and went down with you. She wrapped her arms around you and held onto you so tightly that you thought you might crack open.

"Shh it's okay...deep breath" She said those words so calmly it actually started to make you feel calm. She breathed with you, calming you down even more. She rocked you back and forth in her arms. Her voice was so soothing it reminded you of someone but alas you couldn't think of who.

"Are you feeling okay now?" She asked gently releasing you slowly from her death grip. You nodded your head.

"H-How'd you know how to do that?" You questioned staring into her blue orbs. "Shiro's the only one who knows what to do when that happens with me, so how did you?" You said glancing at Shiro who was sitting beside you. He rubbed your back gently, soothing you. She smiled softly.

"I remember our mother used to do that to help you, when you got very stressed or scared your whole body would just shut down. Mother used to sit with you until she knew for sure you were okay" She explained smiling at you. "Do you not remember?"

"Our mother....I don't remember..." You looked down at your hands. "Who am I? What am I? Why didn't I stay with you here? How long have I been on Earth?" You asked looking back up at Allura with pleading eyes. She looked at Coran and he nodded his head.

"I think it's time Princess.." He said looking down at you. She nodded her head.

"You are the first born into our family. Princess (Y/N) of planet Altea. You are Altean. Our planet was wiped out by and evil man named Zarkon. The Galran Emperor. When our castle was being attacked by the Galra, we had to send you away. We had to send you away because we couldn't risk Zarkon capturing you. Father thought it was safer that way. For you and for us" She gestured to her and Coran. "You have...abilities...we do not know what they are...our Mother made sure to never tell us, but she told us that you have them. That's why your markings are orange and not pink like mine" She gently touched the markings going up your neck and under your chin. "But if Zarkon were to catch you, he'd use you and your powers against us and Mother didn't want that to happen, so she agreed to send you to a safe place. Which was Earth." She explained slowly but made sure to include some more detail. "Earth was the only planet far enough away so that Zarkon would never find you. I did not go willingly in that cryogenic pod for Father was trying to save my life while he fought to save our planet" Tears began falling from her eyes. You reached over to her and rubbed her back.

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