Chapter Thirteen - { Ignis }

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Hey guys! I just want to say something real quick before I say anything else. What I want to say is, I'm sorry if my writing seems a little sloppy lately, I haven't really been super motivated to write because of some mental things so I apologize. I'm trying to get out of this little stage in my life. I'm trying my best to make everything good for you. I may take a small break and try to think more positively and come up with some more ideas for you. If I take a break I'll be sure to tell you, and I'll post some pre-written chapters so you don't miss out on anything if I'm away for a little bit.

Anyway! Thank you for reading my little rant and I hope y'all are okay with that. This chapter will be steamy and hot just like the picture above lol I really hope you enjoy it. So I'll leave it at that! Enjoy my lovely's! 💜

*SMUT WARNING* (I'll tell you when!)


Your POV

"Do you like it?" He asked anxiously, awaiting your answer.

"I...I love it!!!" You exclaimed, turning around to throw your arms around his neck.


"Yes! Shiro it's so beautiful." You said kissing is face everywhere, softly. He chuckled and quickly captured your lips with his once again.

"I'm glad you love it. With everything that's been going on, I really wanted to take you somewhere, and get you away from your thoughts, even just for a little while." He said after you both pulled away. Your facial expression softened and you smiled gently.

"Oh Shiro...thank you..." You said as you wrapped your arms tighter around his neck. "Yesterday was a lot...and thank you for sticking with me..even after seeing what I can become.." You sighed, locking your fingers together behind his neck.

"Do you want to talk about it all?" He questioned, curious. You looked away from his gaze slightly. 

"Would you mind?"

"Not at all baby...I told you you can talk to me about anything. I'll always be here for you. You know that." He whispered moving his head so he could look you in the eyes. Some of your hair had fallen in your face so he gently tucked it behind your ear.

"Hey.." You quickly looked up into his eyes.

"Why don't we land on the planet?" He said smiling playfully. You laughed quietly and nodded your head.

"I bet the stars look beautiful from down there." He placed his hands back on the controls and began to move the lion so she was now flying towards the planets surface. As he did so, you got off of his lap and walked closer to the kinetic wave link.

"It may be to hot for me to go outside so is staying in here okay?" He questioned. You quickly turned to look at him.

"Of course it's okay! But it would be hot for me too, wouldn't it?" You questioned tilting your head.

"I guess it would be but considering you can stand the heat that surrounds your body when your surrounded by flames, you'll probably be able to go out and about." He stated landing the lion on what seemed to be a hill.

"I guess your right..." You whispered. "Eh it's okay. I just want to stay here with you." You smiled. He chuckled and smiled back.

"Well come here." He whispered, standing up. You smiled and walked over to him. He stood there with his arms wide open waiting for your small form to fill the gap. As you wrapped your arms around him you sighed with content. You buried your face within his chest, your hands tightly gripping the fabric of his vest.

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