Chapter Fifteen - { White Lion }

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Hey guys! I'm finally back!!! Thank you all so much for patiently waiting I really appreciate it! I just quickly wanted to let you all know my next chapters may not be as long as the others but they will still be 2000+ I just need to spread out what I'm writing and try to not jam it all into one chapter lol! So expect somewhat "smaller" chapters from now on. I will also be considering posting on Sundays now at 3:30pm, but please comment and let me know what you guys think! I also just want to quickly say, I'm sorry if this chapter seems rushed, I wrote most of it at 3AM and finished this afternoon lol I'm sorry it's a little late, I had to go out to look for a job! Y'know how that goes! Lol

Anyways I hope you are all okay with what I've said! And lets get on with it shall we?! I've kept you waiting long enough!!

ENJOY!! <3


Your POV

The boy's heads both turned to look at you. Their eyes wondered over your face and realized that you were being serious.

"I love to go see the stars." Keith said a small smile forming on his face. "Shiro? What about you?" You questioned.

"I think that's a great idea. We haven't all been together in a while and I think it'd be nice to catch up on some things." He smiled at you and looked over at Keith.

"Should we get going?" Keith questioned starting to get up.

"Yeah, let's. Should we just sit out on a lion?" You said getting up off of Shiro's lap, before turning around to help him up. You stretched out your non injured hand and he grasped it lightly before he pulled himself up. "Thank you." You smiled and nodded your head in acknowledgement.

"We could use Red." Keith said walking over to a small trash can to throw out the juice box carton.

"Yeah! I still need to see her! I was unconscious the last time." You laughed out walking over to him. Shiro followed suit and you turned to grab his juice box carton before throwing his and yours out.

Keith looked down at his feet with a sad expression looming over his face, remembering that day. He still remembered your terrified scream of his name. It's bounced around in his head causing him to look down further, his hair falling over his eyes as his fists clenched at his sides.

~ Flashback ~

"KEITH!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, reaching out to him. It all seemed to go in slow motion as he turned around. His face was filled with horror as he watched you hit your head on some debris.

"Fuck.." He struggled to hold as he watched you begin floating, unconscious, into the vast darkness. He himself couldn't hold on any longer. And as he was pulled out of the ship, he reached for you.

"(Y/N)!" He shouted as he floated over. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. His eyes darted around looking for something, anything to get you both out of this situation. His breath quickened as he became panicked, then a loud roar sounded causing his eyes to widen as the Red Lion flew out of the ship towards him, she opened her mouth and took you both in.


As Keith landed the Red Lion, she bent down and opened her mouth making an exit. He quickly picked you up off the floor and ran down the stairs and onto the bridge. The other three lions were all waiting outside with their paladins at their feet.

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