Chapter Twelve - { First Time Together }

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Hey guys! So this chapter consists of sexual content and then some of my story ideas. I hope you guys enjoy this! I've sort of waited long enough to give you this, if it's still to fast for you then I'm sorry but I really wanted them to have a intimate moment with each other. To me this chapter seems a little short but that's just me, because I'm so used to having like 4000-5000+ but again I hope this is good. And if you don't enjoy smut you can skip over it! You won't miss much! So enjoy!!


Your POV

You woke up to a light breathing on the back of your neck, with big arms wrapped around your waist. You smiled softly as you tried your hardest to turn around and not wake your loved one. Shiro mumbled as his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. You giggled softly and placed kisses on his face. He groaned lightly before cracking open his left eye. A small tired smile graced his lips as he woke up.

"Morning sleepy." You whispered, smiling gently.

"Morning..." His voice was deep and hoarse as he spoke. It sent shivers down your spine. Shiro loosened his grip around your waist, removing one hand to rub his tired eyes. You gently ran a hand through his hair, letting it get entangled in the small white fluff as you laid beside him.

"That feels nice..." Shiro sighed, closing his eyes, enjoying your touch. You laughed softly and continued to play with his hair.

"What do you wanna do today?"

Shiro's left eye cracked open once again, glancing at you. He thought for moment before answering.

"I have an idea but I can't tell you." He smirked, closing his eye.

"Aw come on! Why not?" You whined.

"It's a secret." He placed a finger on his lips. You huffed out some air and stopped playing with his hair.

"Fine, no morning kisses for you then." You stated in a joking manor. You turned your head away from him and heard a light gasp.

"No!" He breathed out. You felt his hands rest on your waist, before he began tickling you. You gasped lightly and began laughing, wriggling under his fingers.

"No!...stop!...." You laughed out, causing him to chuckle.

"Only if you kiss me." He said as his hands planted themselves on your waist. He towered above you, looking into your eyes with a haze of lust behind his own, as he leaned down to kiss you. He smiled as his lips collided with yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Shiro's tongue grazed your bottom lip, asking for entrance, to which you gladly accepted. His tongue explored your mouth, not missing a single spot, causing you to moan softly into the kiss. To your dismay you both had to pull away for air.

( Smut begins here )

"(Y/N)..." He breathed out as his eyes clouded over. His body visibly tensed as he laid on top of you. "Let me touch you."

Your eyes widened slightly at his statement, you remained silent for a couple minutes before nodding your head. Shiro breathed out a puff of hot air as he slowly leaned forward his warm breath tickling your lips, his left hand gently placed itself on the side of your face ensuring you remained still as he gently pressed his lips against yours. Your heart beat quickened and your body exploded with heat. Shiro pulled away slowly and lowered your bottom lip with his thumb, his tongue licking his own lips dampening them for something better. Your eyes closed instinctively as his heated tongue entered your mouth and teased your wet cavern once again. He pulled away from your mouth and attacked your neck. His tongue grazed your throat making you moan in pleasure before he began sucking softly on it. His teeth nipped the skin of your throat gently making you both cry out in pleasure and pain. He then licked the area tenderly as an apology. He pulled away and admired the red mark that deemed you his.

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