Chapter Three - { Problems }

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Please play the song close to the end of the chapter, I will tell you when, don't have it too loud, I'd like it to be back ground noise for you :)

And let's continue...

(L/N) - Last name

(F/S) - Favorite Soup


Your POV

You woke up to the sun shining in your eyes. You groaned lightly while sitting up rubbing your eyes free of sleep. You threw your legs over the side of the bed and sat there for a few seconds looking out our window staring across the dry land outside. Shiro wasn't going to be at breakfast today. You sighed at the thought and stood up, walking over to your bathroom and closing the door to start your morning routine. Once you finished getting ready you stood by your window looking out at the sunrise. It looked beautiful this morning. The way the sun rays shone over the hills and extended across the vast land looked amazing. You wished you could see what was outside the garrison walls but sadly it was not allowed, at least your window looked out at the land. That's why when you got the chance, Shiro and you would go up to the roof and look at the stars. You did this all the time before you met Keith. Even when Keith was with you both you all enjoyed each others company.

"Best get going..." You muttered leaving your window and walking over to your door. You looked over and realized that you hadn't made your bed yet and remembered that Shiro had done a few days ago. You were starting to get better at handling yourself without him here to remind you, but you still missed his company in the mornings. You quickly made your bed and walked out feeling somewhat content.

"Probably going to have to wake Keith up again" You chuckled to yourself "That boy I swear..." you said laughing lightly shaking your head.

You made your way to his room. Once outside you just let yourself in considering the last time you knocked you didn't get an answer. When you entered your gaze went to where Shiro's bed was. It was neatly made with his uniform laying folded on top of the covers. You smiled looking at his dresser. There was a picture of all three of you smiling and laughing with each other. You walked over to it and picked it up getting a closer look. Your fingers traced over the picture lightly. You smiled placing it down and turning to look at Keith's bed. It was empty. You started to panic. 'Where'd he go?! He's never awake this early, unless...' your thoughts were cut short when you heard coughing from the bathroom, you wiped your head round and looked to see the door slightly open, you walked over and knocked on the door lightly.

"Keith...Is everything okay...?" You asked softly

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" He answered back with a scratchy voice

"I came to wake you up...Are you okay?" You asked again

"Y-yeah I'm fine" He said coughing afterwards

"Can I come in?" You said lightly pushing the door open

"N-no! D-don't..." He said pushing the door closed

"Keith what's wrong?" You said in a demanding voice

"N-nothing just go get breakfast..." He said through the door

"There's something wrong I can tell, now either tell me or I can't help you" You said concerned. He must have heard the worry in your voice as the door opened slowly to reveal Keith with his covers wrapped around him.

"I think I'm sick..." He said in a choked voice coughing lightly

"Oh Keith, come on let's get you in bed..." You said walking closer to him and wrapping your arm around his shoulder. He was shaking, probably cold and hot at the same time. You laid him down and placed a hand on his forehead.

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