Chapter Five - { Finally Shelter... }

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Hey guys! This is going to be a somewhat short chapter. I'm sorry to make you all wait so long for new chapters but it really helps me out. I've got a bunch of other things going on right now, mentally and emotionally so it's brought my mood down a wee bit but I'm trying to work through it for you all! I hope you like this chapter even if it is short. If you have any suggestions or you notice mistakes please tell me in the comments and I'll fix it. I want everyone who reads this to feel satisfied with what Ive written and it really helps me out if I've missed something. But enough of my rambling, let's get back to it! Thank you all for reading and enjoy! 💜

And let's continue....


Your POV

You and Keith had been walking in the dry hot sandy dessert for who knows how long before you stumbled upon a small shack. Your eyes widened with happiness as you lazily ran towards it. Keith yelled at you to stop but you didn't listen you just wanted to get out of the hot weather and into and a nice shack that sheltered you from the suns burning rays.

"(Y/N)! Stop! Wait up!" Keith yelled behind you surprised his voice wasn't lost after running out of water. You turned around with a huge smile on your face, it was just as bright as the sun shining down on the both of you.

"Lookie here! SHELTER!" You said pointing to the shack turning around while throwing your arms out dramatically. Keith walked up beside you chuckling. He placed a hand on your shoulder and shoved you lightly.

"Hey!" You laughing shoving him back "Why'd you want me to stop?" You asked turning towards him.

"I wanted you to stop because someone may already live here. You'd be barging into someone's home. What if they were naked? You could have barged into a naked mans house" He finished laughing. Deep down Keith didn't want you going into the shack because it was his. Him and his father used to live here, but he just couldn't tell you, so he said that instead.

You had never thought about that. Someone else living here anyway not that they could've been naked.

"What runs through your mind god....a naked man...? Do you fantasize about naked men?" You said looking shocked as you placed a hand over your heart. Keith's eyes widened as a light shade of pink dusted over his cheeks.

"Ew NO! Why the hell would I fantasize about men? You don't want to know what I fantasize about...." He said trailing the last part off in a quiet voice his blush deepening in color.

"Oh my god Keith...." You chuckled shaking your head as you walked toward the shack door feet sinking into the hot sand as you did and lightly knocked. Keith came up beside you and waited for an answer. When you didn't get one you gently pushed the door open. As you did you were met with a cloud of dust to the face. Waving the dust out of your face you coughed gently as you walked into the small shack. In the shack was a three person couch, some book shelfs and a small makeshift table in the middle of the room. On the wall hung a big cork board with some papers still attached to it.

"Huh it's not so bad.." You said walking over to the couch and sitting down. You bent over and ran a hand over the table. As you lifted your fingers off the table they were covered in dust. You rubbed your hands together to get rid of the dust while you looked around again. You took in more of the detail this time.

"It'll do us for the time being, I guess we better try and find some source of water and food" Keith said "There's gotta be something near by" he knew there was, since he lived here for so long but he needed to get out of the shack and leave you alone for a bit. You both needed some alone time.

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