Chapter Ten - { The Battle }

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Hey guys!! This chapter may be another long one but is that so bad? So for your markings, they will be orange with a purple glow around them as you already know and in the formation that is shown in the picture above. There are so many transitions in this chapter so I hope that's okay. Enjoy!!

And so it continues....


Your POV

"Our father...?" You both said in sync. Coran only nodded his head and told you to follow him.

As you walked down the halls, you glanced over at Allura. She looked so elegant with her long white hair that swayed slightly as she walked and her beautifully designed dress that clung to all the curves on her body, she really was beautiful. She had a serious expression plastered on her face as you all drew closer to a certain door. 

"What's this?" You questioned as the door swished open in front of you. You and Allura walked in slowly.

"King Alfor knew there was a chance he may never see you both again. So, his memories, his very being, was stored in this computer for you."

You both came to stop in front of the "computer" Coran was talking about. Allura lifted her hand to touch it, when she did the whole room suddenly turned into a field filled with beautiful pink flowers. She looked around in amazement. Behind her a hologram of your father appeared. You gasped and Allura turned around.

"Father!" She whispered, tears trimming her eyes. You took her hand gently and smiled. You both ran up to the computer.

"Father, it is so good to see you!" Allura said smiling brightly.

"Allura, my only child, how I've missed your face." You tilted your head and looked at Allura. She looked at you with confusion swimming in her eyes.

"But Father, (Y/N)'s here too" She said pulling you in front of her. You looked up at him with your big (E/C) orbs and he sighed.

"I know dear and it is so good to see you my child but I'm afraid your not mine.." He said smiling sadly down at you.

"What are you talking about? Father, she is your child!" Allura exclaimed.

"No, Allura she is not. She has Galra blood running through her veins. Your mother had gotten pregnant with her before she met me. Your mother was frantic when she told me she had to get away from him because he was making Zarkon's witch, Haggar, preform experiments on (Y/N) once she was born. And so I took you both in." He paused, glancing at you. "I had to take care of you and your mother. And then in time, we had you, Allura."

"Then who is her Father?" She asked the question you couldn't even get out. You stood there frozen. 'Galra blood..?' that one thought kept in repeating itself in your head.

"It can't be..." You whispered. A small pang of pain ran through your head. You gasped clutching your head as you kneeled to the ground.

"(Y/N)?!" Allura said worried, placing a hand in your shoulder. Your supposed "Father" looking down at you with a straight face.

"It's nothing, I'm alright!" You stated glaring up at King Alfor.

"Your Father, is the man about to attack this castle" Yours and Allura's eyes both widened with shock.

"What?! Sendak?! Mother would never!" Allura yelled.

"And yet she did my child. But there is nothing I can do about that. Your mother and I both agreed to make sure she was safe and out of harms way when we sent her away. But there's no time for this the Galra ship is coming is it not?"

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