{ Notice }

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Hello to everyone of my readers out there. I quickly want to say that I am so sorry I haven't published a chapter in weeks. I feel really bad about that. But I haven't had the motivation to write anything for this particular piece of work. I am currently stuck on a chapter and I have no idea what to write. Sometimes I get good ideas but they then disappear when I come to write. It is very frustrating not being able to give you guys what you deserve. At first I was able to have a chapter up every week because I had them pre-written and ready to go but lately, I haven't been able to write anything, for any of my books, not just this one. Yes, those books aren't published yet but I just don't have any ideas anymore.

So, let's just say, this book may be on hold for a little bit. I won't stop writing but I'm going to take more time with my chapters instead of whipping them out and posting shitty ones. I don't want to do that. I'm a stickler for detail in my works, and any others, I try my very best to give as much detail as possible. If there's not enough, I beat myself down and that's not good for me. I want to give you guys best possible experience. I want you to literally feel the air whipping around you, lifting your hair up and taking it with it, the sting from a punch, the softness of a kiss, and the coolness of water as it engulfs your whole body. I want you to feel the emotion and the exhilaration, I'm trying to portray. I want you to smile, laugh and cry along with me as I write you into my story. And if I want to do that, I have to focus more on what I'm writing and make sure it's something everyone can feel when they read it.

I need more time.

A lot more.

I'm not really in a good place right now, mentally and I know I seem to say that a lot and it's not an excuse but it's because it's true. I'm not okay. I'm starting to go to therapy for the way I'm feeling. It's hard to explain but let's just say that nothing about the way I'm thinking is okay. It's not healthy.

Sometimes I may seem bubbly and happy in the way I write but I do that so none of you worry. I don't want you to worry. I want you to all be happy and think positive! Even if you feel depressed and alone, please try to think positively. If any of you ever need someone to talk to, please message me. I may not respond a second after you do but I WILL get back to you. Even if I'm not feeling great myself, I'll always try to make you feel better.

Before I end this notice, I want to thank everyone for sticking with me and continuing to support me. I really do appreciate it. As I said before I won't stop writing but I will be taking a hiatus for a while. I'll get some chapters done and ready for when I'm back and I hope they'll be better and more detailed.

I'll still interact with everyone if you decide to comment and whatnot!

I promise you, I'll be back. This book will be back. I just need time.

I love you all so much!

I'll see you all later!

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