Chapter Seven - { Reunion }

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Hey guys I'm sorry this chapter wasn't posted on my usual time schedule, I didn't forget! I know many of you don't read it straight away but I just felt like I needed to apologize. I had to finish up writing another chapter and since I like to make them sort of long for you guys! I felt that chapter needed some more care, but anyway here it is. And I hope you enjoy! 💜

And so it continues....


Your POV

Your heart almost stopped at the sight. Your breath caught in your throat as tears began to burn your eyes. You brought a hand up to your mouth as you stifled a cry.

The only word you managed to muster out was.



You whipped your head around to face Keith. He was looking at you with a huge smile on his face, arms open wide. Tears poured out of your eyes and your slammed yourself into Keith's arms. You laughed lightly as his arms wrapped around your torso and his head buried itself in your neck. You felt his body shake as he cried into your shoulder.

"I knew we'd find him..." You whispered into his ear. He nodded his head still buried in your shoulder.

"I knew he wasn't..dead.." You said to yourself quietly hugging Keith tighter. Keith's grip loosed signalling he was going to let go.

"Let's get him out of here. He doesn't deserve to be tied up like that" He said glaring at the guards on the ground. You both went to each side of the table and undid the ties around Shiro's wrists. Once they were undone you snaked a hand under his back and pushed upwards making him sit up. Keith moved his legs off the table. Shiro moaned slightly before you both helped him stand up.

"I got him (Y/N) you go start the-" Keith was cut off by a brown haired boy walking in with two others following behind him.

"No no nope no your don't! I'm saving Shiro!" He said taking Shiro's arm, putting it around his shoulder.

"Uh who the hell are you?" You said sternly raising an eyebrow and placing a hand on your hip. The boy turned to face you and his mouth almost dropped to the floor. His eyes sparkled as he looked at you. You looked at Keith and he looked back at you raising his own eyebrow in confusion before he shrugged his shoulders. You looked back at the boy and he was now smirking.

"More like who are you?" He said with a flirtatious tone, winking at you in the process, but he knew exactly who you were, since you were the highest ranking female in the Garrison and he looked up to you. You scoffed rolling your eyes before you glared at him.

"The names Lance....." He said dragging out his name as if we knew him already. You could have sworn you'd seen him before you just couldn't put your finger on it. The boy named Lance looked at Keith.

"We were in the same class at the Garrison.." He said staring at him

"Really are you an engineer?" Keith asked confused glancing over at you.

"No, I'm a pilot. We were rivals. Y'know Lance and Keith neck in neck" He said making strange facial expressions.

"Hey! Wait...I remember you now! Your that cargo pilot!" You blurted out pointing at him. His gaze then turned to you with his big ocean blue orbs.

"Well not anymore, I'm fighter class now thanks to you two dropping out a year ago" He sneered, anger blazing in his eyes. You put your hands up in defence.

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