Chapter Fourteen - { Why...? }

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Hey guys! Before you read this chapter I just wanted to say that, I have absolutely nothing against Lance. I love the boy to pieces but I just really wanted to try something with this chapter and get out my idea. Don't worry though all will be good in the end! I just had the idea and thought I'd write it out. ANyWaY! I hope you somewhat enjoy this chapter!

(P.S. I'm sorry this chapter is late today, I had some things I needed to deal with. And I'm also sorry if it seems rushed. This will also be the last chapter I post as I will be taking that break I mentioned in the previous "chapter". There may be some spelling mistakes in this chapter, I'm so tired and I really didn't want to edit so I'm also sorry for that. I'm usually so good about editing my stuff but I just really couldn't today, again I'm sorry! I gotta stop saying that. It's all I've been saying lately. Sorry. AH FUCK I DID IT AGAIN! Lol I just don't want to disappoint you guys, I didn't come here to write and do that so.....

But thank you guys for understanding and enjoy!)


Your POV

After everyone had gotten their armour on, you all went down to the training arena. Allura and Coran were waiting for you all to arrive so they could start the simulation.

"Alright Paladins! Today we will be training in hand to hand combat and later on you all will be out in your Lions! Are you ready?" 'Except for me. I don't have one...yet...' you thought as Allura's voice boomed throughout the room.

"Yeah!" You all yelled.

"Begin simulation!!" Allura yelled and as soon as she did an Altean Gladiator crystallized out of thin air. It stood tall and ready to fight with a long staff held in its hands. It was white with small bits of gold on its shoulders and head. It seemed to have a blue crystal like thing in the middle of it's face, possibly an eye.

"We're fighting that!?" Pidge yelled behind you. You glanced back at him for a quick second before you took your fighting stance along with the others.

"Come on! Shouldn't be that hard." You said sarcastically.

"Says the one who has magical powers." He retorted. You chuckled and shifted on the spot as your gaze followed the Gladiator. It circled around you all before it jumped into action.

It raced towards Hunk, causing him to yelp. He started and tried to use his bayard but as he shot, he missed making the shots head for Keith instead. Your eyes widened slightly as the gears in your brain began to turn making you realize what was happening. You raced towards Keith skidding to a stop in front of him before activating your shield blocking you both from the fire, deflecting it somewhere else.

"I had it! (Y/N)! You didn't need to come over here!" Keith yelled. You glanced back at him, your gaze hardening. You noticed Keith shrink back a little under your intense gaze.

"If you had it you'd be faster at activating your shield! A thank you would have been nice! I saved your ass from a load of pain." You said sternly.

Your head whipped back around as you heard a load thud signalling Hunk and been swept off his feet by the Gladiator. You watched as it jabbed its staff into Hunks chest creating an electric shock at the end. Hunk groaned in pain and laid on the floor.

Pidge raced up behind the Gladiator and hit it with his bayard causing it to turn around and slam it's staff into his side before pivoting and doing the same move with the electric shock to end it, sending Pidge flying back into the air soon landing on top of Hunk. Everyone was now focused on the Gladiator's moves.

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