Chapter Eleven - { I'm a What..? }

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Hey guys!!! So how about that last chapter huh? Pretty good am I right? I want to quickly say that in this chapter there will be some gruesome parts, it's not all that bad but for people who don't like that sort of stuff, I'll tell you where to skip over it. Here comes some more action! And and some action it'll be! Enjoy!!


Your POV

"Let's do this..." You smiled evilly as our wings of fire spread out behind your back and you began to lift off the ground. You felt a surge of energy and power run through your body, as a powerful blast erupted from your wings, boosting you up into the sky, a ringlet of fire and ash being left behind. As you flew up, you noticed your beloved friends had freed themselves from the tracker beam. You smiled happy that they weren't in your Fathers clutches anymore. Your eyes scanned the sky, searching for the Paladins themselves, they landed on all five lions soaring up into the sky, an array of colours trailing behind them. You turned your gaze back to the ship. Your eyes burned with fury, a fire so hot it could burn a hole through the entire ship. You narrowed your gaze, your blood burning hot like lava as you flew towards it, your whips raised high. You landed with a loud thud creating a huge crater underneath you. As your feet touched the cool metal, they began to melt it beneath you. You screamed angrily as you brought your whips down upon the ship, slashing a cross into its side. You then walked over the cross, and slammed your foot down onto it, causing it to break and create a hole for you to enter. You dropped down into the ship, landing lightly as to not alert anyone.

You glanced to your left and then to your right. The flames you once called hair, crackled and spat ash, while you walked slowly down a hallway. 'Command room.....that's where I need to go.....' you closed your flaming eyes and focused on the energy around you.

Your eyes bolted open and you swiftly turned around. ''. Your smirk grew wide as you walked down the hallway and towards a pair of doors. You stood there staring at the doors, your body shaking, the anger building and burning just as hot as the fire that consumed your body. Your fist tightened around the handle of your whip, you were certain your fingers would have turned white if they weren't orange with fire that licked up your arms. You swung your whip high in the air and brought it down, lodging it deep within the doors metal. You swung the other, doing the same. Once they were both deep enough, you jerked your arms and pulled them back towards you. The doors burst open, the pieces flying past your face, your hair whipping backwards before settling back into its fiery blaze.

Heads turned sharply towards the doorway, their eyes went wide once they all landed on you. You stood staring menacingly around at each and everyone one of them before your gaze landed upon the person you were looking for.

"Sendak...." You snarled through gritted teeth and started walking slowly towards him, swinging your whips around in circles. The fire that surrounded your body whipped around and spat as you did so.

"Cease all fire now!" His voice boomed throughout the room. His gaze turned back to you slowly walking towards him. His eyes scanned your body and face, his mouth then opened slightly in surprise.

"(Y/N)?" He said hesitantly. You snarled and flung your whip at his feet causing him to jump back a little, fear in his eyes, well eye, as he glanced back up at you.

"I can't believe it. You..your alive. Hah! I see Haggars magic worked on you then! How wonderful!" He beamed.

( The gruesome part is in this paragraph so skip over if you want )

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