Chapter Eight - { The Blue Lion }

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Hiya! It's going to be a long chapter so you have been warned! I hope it's enjoyable! I tried not to go by the Voltron story line too much but still I wanted to incorporate it in somehow! I hope I wrote this okay. I've been having doubts about my writing lately but I'm sure it's fine. Enjoy! 💜

Edit: Also there's one line in this chapter that refers to Lance speaking Spanish. I want everyone to know that I am not fluent in Spanish but I know a lot of phrases so I am sorry if it is incorrect. I have had multiple people comment different ways and I am now saying please stop because I don't know what right anymore and I've had enough of trying to find the right phrase. I can't seem to make people happy with what's there so please just read past it. I am sorry if that sounds mean at all but I am tired okay? Mentally I'm not doing so great so please forgive me.

And so it continues....


Your POV

Your eyes widened as they drifted up looking at the mechanical blue lion. You got up and slowly walked closer to it. You stared at it in amazement, the thing was a huge blue lion! There seemed to be a force field around it as you placed your hand on it. When you did a rippling effect surrounded the surface where your hand was. Everybody behind you gasped as they realized it was here.

"I-is that it? Is that Voltron?" Pidge said with excitement laced in his voice.

"It has to be.." Shiro said at loss for words. Keith began walking over to you and stood next to you.

"This must be where all that crazy energy is coming from" He stated placing his hands on the force field. "I wonder how we get through this..?" He questioned moving his hands around. Lance came up behind you and lifted his hand up to the force field.

"Maybe we just have to knock, (Y/N) wanna try it with me?" He asked looking at you with his big ocean blue eyes. You nodded your head and lifted your hand, both you and Lance gave it a nice light knock. After you both lifted your hands away the force field disappeared in a blast of blue fragments. Lance turned to look at you and you turned to look at him. You both smiled wildly at each other. The lion stood up tall and roared so loud you'd think it'd break you ear drums. You ducked, your hands racing to your ears to at least try and drown out the loudness. Once the lion stood still and quiet, your hands dropped to your sides, the lion bent down, lowering its head in front of Lance. He stared at it with wide eyes. It's mouth opened revealing stairs, Lance turned to look at everyone before he ran in.

"Lance wait!" Shiro yelled. He ran past you grabbing your hand and dragging you with him. You stumbled almost falling flat on your face as you were just standing before but you soon gained your balance. The others raced inside after you.

As you got to the cockpit of the lion, you watched Lance sit in the seat, that was oh so conveniently placed in the middle of the floor. When he did the seat blasted forward, making Lance yelp with surprise. He soon recovered and took a hold of the controls in front of him.

"Careful Lance.." You warned side glancing at him.

"Relax babe, I got this." He winking at you. You rolled your eyes crossing your arms, stepping closer to Shiro, who standing next to you. He protectively placed a hand on your waist. You tilted your head up to look at his face. He was glaring at Lance with his eyebrow raised. You giggled lightly making him look down at you.

"What?" He questioned confusion swimming in his eyes.

"Mr. jealous.." You teased smirking.

"I'm not jealous (Y/N)" He barked back

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